Page 26 - Luce 2016
P. 26

A l umni News

                                           Sue Foster (1984) graduated in
                                           veterinary science in 1988 (BVSc Hons).
                                           She writes:

                                           I have led a fulfilling and varied career
                                           in veterinary science: mixed practice
                                           country vet in Australia and UK,
                                           small animal medicine specialist post-
                                           graduate training at Sydney University
                                           (MVetClinStud in 1998), a feline   with sufficient industry expertise lacked
                                           medicine specialist (FANZCVS in 2000),   the independence, the courage or the
                                           lecturer at Murdoch University in small   conviction to provide expert advice
                                           animal medicine (2000-2003) and an   when consulted on animal health and
                                           adjunct senior lecturer (2004-2016).   welfare issues associated with the live
                                                                             export industry. I decided to apply
                                           I then changed tack and provided   my former experience as a mixed
                                           consultancy in small animal medicine   practitioner/cattle vet with my rigorous
                                           to a commercial veterinary laboratory   academic training and huge network of
         Kristin Headlam’s In Bed with the Animals  in 2004 and still work in that role,   specialist contacts round the world to
                                           servicing veterinary laboratories in Vic,   assess the veterinary aspects of animal
                                           NSW and Qld…whilst living in WA (for   welfare and health in live export. Thus,
         In the last few years I have been working   the weather!). In between, post-graduate   with a team of committed professionals,
         on a print-making project based on Chris   lecturing has taken me travelling to   VALE was launched as an incorporated
         Wallace-Crabbe’s zany book-length   wonderful locations in both Australia   body in 2012.
         narrative poem, The Universe Looks   and overseas.
         Down. Generously commissioned by                                    VALE has exposed monumental and
         the Baillieu Library of the University of   So, a veterinary science degree at   entrenched problems in the industry at
         Melbourne, it will consist of over 30   Melbourne, with a start at JCH, has led   all parts of the chain (issues with animal
         etchings, plus text pieces. These will be   to a fun and fulfilling veterinary life. In   rearing for live export, animal transport
         exhibited in the Noel Shaw Gallery at   between there has been sport, hockey   in Australia, Australian export feedlots,
         the Baillieu Library in 2018.     (highlight being winning the National   loading at ports and voyages). Most of
                                           Championships in the West Australian   these problems would never have been
         Though I have occasionally made   Over 35s team in 2006), bushwalking   evident to farmers, veterinarians, animal
         etchings and lithographs before, this   and the wonderful friendships, many of   welfare groups or the general public…
         undertaking – a collaborative effort   which started at JCH and Melbourne   they are hidden. Even many of the
         working with Wallace-Crabbe and with   University.                  veterinarians working on the ships or
         master-printer John Loane – is something                            just concentrating on feedlotting never
         new and exciting for me. I have relished   However, along the way, it became   get to see the bigger picture that VALE
         the task of creating a visual parallel for a   obvious to me that advocacy in   has been able to uncover.
         poetic language, and feel that this could   a variety of fields was important.
         point my work in a new direction. But   Environmental concerns had been   In a past issue of Luce, Dr Damian
         that remains to be seen!          second nature to me as a bushwalker   Powell commented that ‘Big
                                           growing up in Tasmania, with the issues   organisations use endlessly euphemistic
                                           surrounding the damming of Lake   language to fudge, to hide, or soften the
                                           Pedder and the saving of the Franklin. In   hard edges around poor ethical practice
                                           addition to being an active participant   and bad behaviour’. Never has this
                Where are                  in environmental conservation groups   been more correct than in live export.
                                                                             The work involved in VALE is endless,
                                           and social justice organisations, I helped
                 you now?                  set up a Community Garden (St Lukes   the outcome thus far unchanged. At
                                                                             the very least, I hope to get changes
                                           Community Garden, Mosman Park) and
                                           then went on to instigate and help run a   instituted to reduce animal suffering
                                           sustainability fair (Mosman Park EcoFair   in the trade whilst it continues. It has
            We’d love to know where life has
                                           at St Lukes), along the way picking up   been heart-warming to have had so
              taken you since leaving JCH.   a local environmental award and being   much support from my JCH friends and
                                           part of an Australia Day award. All   colleagues (a number of ‘JCH vets’ are
             You can get in touch with us at   this was probably good background to   VALE members). It was also satisfying
     my next and most difficult foray: Vets   to read such an erudite article by Dr
                                           Against Live Export (VALE).       Powell on ‘Ethics and Leadership’;
                 to share your story.
                                           With the fallout from the ABC’s A   maybe the next spokesperson for VALE
                                           Bloody Business in May 2011, it was   will also come from JCH.
                                           very apparent that any veterinarian

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