Page 17 - Luce 2016
P. 17

S enior  C o mmon  Ro om

                              Julia’s One Woman Show

                                                 Fame, Fortune & Lies

                                                  JCH alumna and current residential music tutor, Julia Hastings (2010), has
                                                   combined her passion for piano performance and the dramatic arts, creating
                                                   and performing a one-woman show entitled,  Fame, Fortune and Lies:
                                                    The Life and Music of Eileen Joyce.

                                                     While researching for her 2015 solo recital at the Australian National
                                                     Academy of Music, Julia became interested in the life and work of Eileen
                                                      Joyce, an Australian concert pianist who enjoyed megastar status in Britain
                                                      and Europe from the 1930s to 1960s. Julia was struck by Joyce’s story of
                                                       determination and dedication to the professional concert life while at
                                                        the same time struggling with personal demons and unhappiness.

                                                         The idea of combining a dramatic monologue with the music that Joyce
                                                         played throughout her career germinated into the interdisciplinary
                                                          performance of Fame, Fortune and Lies. Since its premiere at the
                                                          Australian National Academy of Music in 2015, Julia has performed
                                                           Fame,  Fortune  and  Lies  to  much  acclaim  to  audiences  across
                                                           Victoria, including a season at the 2016 Melbourne Fringe Festival.

                                                            Julia is currently working on more interdisciplinary concepts
                                                             which will challenge the way classical music has been performed
                                                             in the past. With this approach, she hopes to engage audiences
                                                              which  may  never  have  considered  entering  the  traditional
                                                              recital hall but, at the same time, honouring the integral value
                                                               of the music. Julia hopes to tour interstate with Fame, Fortune
                                                               and Lies in the future.

                               Reflections from the College Chapel

                               (continued from page 15)

                               ‘For many, College provides a place to   within a collegiate environment’.  This might seem, at first
                               flourish – to meet new people and to   glance, a strange thing to ask. But I think, in many ways, this
                               feel supported in a real community.   perspective goes to the very heart of what university is meant
                               There are many ways to form     to be.
                               community, and communities form
                               for different reasons. You can form   Only the most highly privileged of us on the planet are ever
                               a community on social media, but   given the time, the space, and the resources, to share our
            forming a community which everyone would aspire to be part   thoughts freely. Through great good fortune, College has given
            of – one in which people get a chance to be themselves, to   us this time, this space, this right to explore our values, and to
            explore their thoughts, to be safe, to try new things, to grow   look out beyond ourselves.’
            in competence, and to be AFFIRMED – forming this kind of
            community takes work.                              Donna Davies
                                                               Director of Studies
            Janet Clarke Hall’s statement of values asks its students and
            staff to show ‘awareness of the privilege of living and studying

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