Page 89 - 손홍숙 작가 화집 1983-2020
P. 89
ⒸADAGP 자작나무 White Birches 72.7x60.6cm Oil Painting 2016
In the early post-modernism era, in her book of Has Modernism Failed? the art critic Suzi Gabrick has suggested that the most different change is that the
modernism is doing art activities under the aesthetical magnification of the art itself, but in the post-modernism has begun to awake the social issue from
the time when is changing into pluralism. Like this, artist Sohn has tried to find out what is not found in the Nature. She has every effort to find the most
excellent expressing ways from studying Renaissance style Naturalism to contemporary post-modernism. Therefore, she takes the important social issue
of human ecology which she has usually studied and taught in the university.
In his book of the Art and Culture, Clemente Greenberg has suggested as follows; "Where there is avant-garde, generally we also find a rear-garde"; it is
the critical aspect of going forward and retreat, from the adaptation of classic and the unification of traditional and contemporary, the bridge style of
expression arises to intermingle present and past.