Page 36 - DWN Regional Leader Handbook_October_2023
P. 36

Hub Leader Role                                                                            ESSENTIALS AND                                                         Hub Leader Role


      3     Dairy Women’s Network Leadership                                                    FORUM                                                                   3
                                                                                                Essentials training is held once a year in October/
                                                                                                November. This is a one-day event led by Hub Leaders
                                 Rep Role
                                                                                                and run in individual hubs. This means the training can
                                   DWN BOARD     Nuts and Bolts
                                                 of Organisation                                be personalised to each hub and the needs within that
                          Workshops  Associate Director
                                                     ESSENTIALS                                 hub.
                                                             Social Event
                 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE                        for Regional
                                                  DWN Process   Leader teams
                Regional chair  Chair                                                           Essentials provides Regional Leaders with tools,
                         Business                                                               resources and knowledge to assist them in the Regional
                Hub Leader  Group Leader                         Learning
                                                         Connect  Opportunities                 Leader role. It also adds value to Regional Leaders and
                                                            Leadership                          helps bond them together as a regional team. There is
                                                 DWN Leadership Journey Opportunities •  DWN Leadership Journey Opportunities •   Forum
                 Leadership Team                                                                a webinar version for Regional Leaders to watch who
                                                        Personal   Time out/Me time             cannot attend Essentials training in person.
               DWN rep                                  Growth
                                 Facilitation   Industry                                        Leadership Forum
                 Partner               Social Media   Organisations
                Connections             Content      Infusionsoft
                            Connecting                                                          Leadership Forum is held once a year, usually around
                                  Presenting    Organising   Connecting                         March. This is a three-day event run by the Regional
                        Public Speaking          Events  Industry Leaders
                                 SharePoint                                                     Leader Support Manager and the Connection and
                    Microsoft                     Marketing   Use of online
                    Teams   Zoom                   Events     systems                           Development Director.
                                                                                                The aim of the forum is to build leadership capability
                                                                                                and strengths within our Regional Leaders, as well as
                                                                                                adding value to their business knowledge which they
                                                                                                can then apply back on farm. Recognised external
                                                                                                facilitators are used to deliver content for this forum. It is
                                                                                                also a great opportunity for Regional and Hub Leaders
                                                                                                from across the country to come together and connect
                                                                                                with one another.
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