Page 40 - DWN Regional Leader Handbook_October_2023
P. 40

Key Information  BRAND                                                                     DAIRYNZ SOCIAL                                                         Key Information

                                                                                                MEDIA GUIDES

      4     The Dairy Women’s Network Brand Guidelines is                                       DairyNZ created the below guides to help increase                      4
                                                                                                awareness of the good things dairy farmers are doing.
            designed to help you understand our brand guidelines
            and how to use the promotional material of any type.
                                                                                                Social Media 101

                                                                                                This guide has been designed for farmers who want
                                                                                                to get started on social media. It provides an overview
                                                                                                of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and the basics
                                                                                                you need to get started. Handy tips, guidelines, and a
                                                                                                reference of common terms are also included.

                                                                                                Picture This
                                                Be inclusive                                    This guide recognises farmers are right on the spot to

                                                                                                capture photos and short videos that provide real-time
                                                                                                insights into their care and respect for the environment
                                                                                                they work and live in, and for their people and animals.
                                                                                                It provides tips and techniques to transform the photos
                                                                                                and videos you take on your smartphone camera from
                                                                                                good to great.

                                                                                                Sharing Your Stories

                                                                                                DairyNZ has created this guide following requests from
                                                                                                farmers for help with telling their stories. The guide
                                                                                                provides and overview of what the media look for in a
                                                                                                story. You will find handy advice on how to distill what
                                                                                                you want to say, how to say it and how to write it.

                   The Brand Guidelines can be found on                                            DairyNZ’s Social Media Guides can be found
                          SharePoint -> Resources ->                                                         on SharePoint -> Resources ->
                            Marketing and Branding                                                             Marketing and Branding
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