Page 10 - 2022 AEO Benefit Guide
P. 10

Summary of In-Network Medical Coverage

                                    Cigna Open Access Plus Plan             Cigna Open Access Plus HRA Plan                                           Cigna Health Savings Account Plan     Cigna Economy Health Savings Account Plan
                                    In-Network                              In-Network                                                                In-Network                            In-Network
     Individual Deductible          $500                                    $2,000                                     Individual Deductible          $1,400                                $3,000
     Family Deductible              $1,500                                  $4,000                                     Family Deductible              $2,800                                $6,000
     Coinsurance                    80% after Deductible                    80% after Deductible                       Coinsurance                    80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible
     Individual Out-of-Pocket Maximum   $3,500                              $5,000                                     Individual Out-of-Pocket Maximum   $4,300                            $6,550
     Family Out-of-Pocket Maximum   $7,000                                  $10,000                                    Family Out-of-Pocket Maximum   $6,550                                $13,100
     Primary Care Physician Office Visits  80% after $25 Co-Pay (No Deductible)  90% after $25 Co-Pay (No Deductible)  Primary Care Physician Office Visits  80% after Deductible           80% after Deductible
     Specialist Physician Office Visits  80% after $45 Co-Pay (No Deductible)  90% after $45 Co-Pay (No Deductible)    Specialist Physician Office Visits  80% after Deductible             80% after Deductible
     Preventative Care Pediatric    100%                                    100%                                       Preventative Care Pediatric    100%                                  100%
     (Well Baby Care and Immunizations)  (No Co-Pay or Deductible)          (No Deductible)                            (Well Baby Care and Immunizations)  (No Deductible)                  (No Deductible)
     Preventative Care Adult                                                                                           Preventative Care Adult
     (Routine Physical Exams, Immunizations,   100% (No Co-Pay or Deductible)  100% (No Co-Pay or Deductible)          (Routine Physical Exams, Immunizations,   100% (No Deductible)       100% (No Deductible)
     and Routine Gynecological Exam,                                                                                   and Routine Gynecological Exam,
     including a PAP test)                                                                                             including a PAP test)
     Telemedicine w/MDLive via Cigna  80% after $25 Co-Pay (No Deductible)  90% after $25 Co-Pay (No Deductible)       Telemedicine w/MDLive via Cigna  80% after Deductible                80% after Deductible
     Emergency Room Service         80% after $250 Co-Pay (Deductible does not apply)   80% after $250 Co-Pay (Deductible does not apply)  Emergency Room Service  80% after Deductible     80% after Deductible
     (Co-Pay waived if admitted)                                                                                       (Co-Pay waived if admitted)
     Hospital Expenses (Inpatient)  80% after Deductible                    80% after Deductible                       Hospital Expenses (Inpatient)  80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible
     Hospital Expenses (Outpatient)  80% after Deductible                   80% after Deductible                       Hospital Expenses (Outpatient)  80% after Deductible                 80% after Deductible
     Medical/Surgical Expenses      80% after Deductible                    80% after Deductible                       Medical/Surgical Expenses      80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible
     (Except Office Visits)                                                                                            (Except Office Visits)
     Maternity                      80% after Deductible                    80% after Deductible                       Maternity                      80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible
     (Facility and Professional Services)                                                                              (Facility and Professional Services)
     Infertility Counseling, Testing,   80% after Deductible                80% after Deductible                       Infertility Counseling, Testing,   80% after Deductible              80% after Deductible
     and Treatment through PROGYNY                                                                                     and Treatment through PROGYNY
     Assisted Fertilization Procedures  80% after Deductible                80% after Deductible                       Assisted Fertilization Procedures  80% after Deductible              80% after Deductible
     Call 1.855.507.6303 to speak directly with a Progyny  All fertility management counseling,   All fertility management counseling,   Call 1.855.507.6303  to speak directly with a Progyny  All fertility management counseling,   All fertility management counseling,
     Patient Care Advocate, or visit the “Parenting”  testing, treatment and procedures   testing, treatment and procedures   Patient Care Advocate, or visit the “Parenting”  testing, treatment and procedures   testing, treatment and procedures
     section on Benefitfocus for more information  are to be accessed with PROGYNY  are to be accessed with PROGYNY    section on Benefitfocus for more information  are to be accessed with PROGYNY  are to be accessed with PROGYNY
                                    80% after $45 Co-Pay                    90% after $45 Co-Pay                                                      80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible
     Spinal Manipulations (Chiropractic Care)                                                                          Spinal Manipulations (Chiropractic Care)
                                    (Limited to 50 days per Benefit Period)  (Limited to 50 days per Benefit Period)                                  (Limited to 50 days per Benefit Period)  (Limited to 50 days per Benefit Period)
     Diagnostic Services (All Laboratory,   80% after Deductible            80% after Deductible                       Diagnostic Services (All Laboratory,   80% after Deductible          80% after Deductible
     X-Ray, and Diagnostic Tests)                                                                                      X-Ray, and Diagnostic Tests)
     Physical, Speech, and          80% after $45 Co-Pay                    90% after $45 Co-Pay                       Physical, Speech, and          80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible
     Occupational Therapy           (Limited to 120 days per Therapy)       (Limited to 120 days per Therapy)          Occupational Therapy           (Limited to 120 days per Therapy)     (Limited to 120 days per Therapy)
     Allergy Extracts and Injections  80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible                       Allergy Extracts and Injections  80% after Deductible                80% after Deductible
     Mental Health (Inpatient)      80% after Deductible                    80% after Deductible                       Mental Health (Inpatient)      80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible
     Mental Health (Outpatient)     80% after $25 Co-Pay (No Deductible)    90% after $25 Co-Pay (No Deductible)       Mental Health (Outpatient)     80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible
     Substance Abuse (Inpatient)    80% after Deductible                    80% after Deductible                       Substance Abuse (Inpatient)    80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible
     Substance Abuse (Outpatient)   80% after $25 Co-Pay (No Deductible)    90% after $25 Co-Pay (No Deductible)       Substance Abuse (Outpatient)   80% after Deductible                  80% after Deductible
     Express Scripts Prescription Drug  $5 – Generic                        $5 – Generic                               Express Scripts Prescription Drug  Co-Pay structure AFTER deductible has been met  Co-Pay structure AFTER deductible has been met
     Non-Specialty Retail           $35 – Formulary                         $35 – Formulary                            Non-Specialty Retail           $5 – Generic                          $5 – Generic
     30-day Supply                                                                                                     30-day Supply                  $35 – Formulary                       $35 – Formulary
     (included with your medical plan)  $60 – Non-Formulary                 $60 – Non-Formulary                        (included with your medical plan)  $60 – Non-Formulary               $60 – Non-Formulary
     Express Scripts Prescription Drug Non-Specialty  $10 – Generic         $10 – Generic                              Express Scripts Prescription Drug   Co-Pay structure AFTER deductible has been met  Co-Pay structure AFTER deductible has been met
     Mandatory Mail Order, 90-day Supply                                                                               Non-Specialty Mandatory Mail Order,   $10 – Generic                  $10 – Generic
     ( Maintenance Drugs require mail   $70 – Formulary                     $70 – Formulary                            90-day Supply  ( Maintenance Drugs   $70 – Formulary                 $70 – Formulary
     order after 3 retail fills )   $120 – Non-Formulary                    $120 – Non-Formulary                       require mail order after 3 retail fills )  $120 – Non-Formulary      $120 – Non-Formulary
                                                                                                                                                      AFTER deductible has been met         AFTER deductible has been met
                                    10% up to $100 maximum – Generic        10% up to $100 maximum – Generic
     Specialty Retail Rx (30-day Supply)  20% up to $250 maximum – Formulary  20% up to $250 maximum – Formulary       Specialty Retail Rx (30-day Supply)  10% up to $100 maximum – Generic  10% up to $100 maximum – Generic
     Specialty Mail Order Rx (30-day Supply)                                                                           Specialty Mail Order Rx (30-day Supply)  20% up to $250 maximum – Formulary  20% up to $250 maximum – Formulary
                                    20% – Non-Formulary                     10% – Non-Formulary
                                                                                                                                                      20% – Non-Formulary                   20% – Non-Formulary
     FSA or LFSA Eligible           Yes, you can contribute up to $2,850 into an FSA each   Yes, you can contribute up to $2,850 in an FSA each plan year  FSA or LFSA Eligible  Yes, you can contribute up to $2,850 in an LFSA each plan year Yes, you can contribute up to $2,850 in an LFSA each plan year
     (see page 39 – 40 for more information)  plan year                                                                (see page 39 – 40 for more information)
                                                                            Yes — HRA only (AEO will contribute $500 for single, $1,000 for           Yes — HSA only (You can contribute up to $3,650 for single or   Yes — HSA only (You can contribute up to $3,650 for single or
     HSA or HRA Eligible            No (You are not eligible for an HSA or HRA)  2-person or family into your Health Reimbursement Account [HRA]   HSA or HRA Eligible  up to $7,300 for 2-person or family; AEO will contribute $500   up to $7,300 for 2-person or family; AEO will contribute $250
     (see page 37 – 39 for more information)                                each year you are enrolled. A maximum balance of    (see page 37 – 39 for more information)  for single, $1,000 for 2-person or family to your HSA)  for single, $500 for 2-person or family to your HSA)
                                                                            $2,500/single or $5,000/family can be accumulated.)
     COST PER PAY                        YOU PAY             AEO PAYS             YOU PAY              AEO PAYS        COST PER PAY                         YOU PAY           AEO PAYS           YOU PAY           AEO PAYS
     Single Coverage                        $84                 $177                 $39                  $197         Single Coverage                         $50               $199               $25               $183
     Two-Person Coverage                    $167               $354                  $78                  $394         Two-Person Coverage                    $100               $398               $51               $364
     Family Coverage                        $251                $532                $117                  $593         Family Coverage                        $150               $598               $76               $548
     8 8                                                              AMERICAN EAGLE OUTFITTERS, INC.
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