Page 34 - 2022 AEO Benefit Guide
P. 34

SCAN ME                    BUDGET
          Scan the QR code below for   401(k)
          access to a video highlighting
          the Finanacial management   The American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. 401(k) Plan can be one of the best ways to save
          tools available to Associates   for retirement. The 401(k) Plan is a long term saving plan administered by Fidelity.
          or visit:  The plan allows you to save a portion of your pay through payroll deductions and
          aeo -f i n a nc i a lbe n e f i t s -  allows those funds to compound and grow over time. As a participant, you may
          2020                       benefit from the following features:

                                     Eligibility and Plan Entry
                                       •  Minimum eligibility age is 20.
                                       •  You are eligible after 30 days of employment.
                                       •  Once you meet the requirements, you will be automatically enrolled on the first
                                         day of the next month at a 3% pre-tax deferred rate.
                                       •  Leased Associates, non-resident aliens, Associates principally
                                         employed in Puerto Rico, and collectively-bargained Associates
                                         are not eligible for the plan.

                                     Salary Deferral Contributions

                                       •  You will be AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED to contribute 3% of your pay
          YOU WILL BE                    (unless you choose a different percentage).

          AUTOMATICALLY                •  Check your paycheck once you become eligible to participate. If you notice your
                                         deduction has not begun, contact Fidelity or the Benefits Department.
          ENROLLED                     •  Under the automatic enrollment provisions, unless you elect otherwise
                                         each year, your deferral election will automatically increase 1% each
          On  the  first  pay  of  the   subsequent year until you reach 6%.
          month following your 60th     •  You may choose to contribute 1% to 50% of your pay.
          day, you will see a 3%
          pre-tax  reduction in your     •  Your taxable income is reduced by the amount you contribute
          pay. This money will be        through salary deferral.
          deposited in your 401(k)       •  Your total salary deferral may not exceed the
          account. To  make chang-       Internal Revenue Service (IRS) annual Deferral Limit.
          es to this percentage or to       •  If you are age 50 or older during the plan year and have met the annual
          opt out of this benefit,       IRS Deferral Limit, or the specified plan limit for deferrals, you may
          go to     contribute a catch-up deferral.

                                       •  For deferral limits and to access your 401(k), visit Fidelity at

                                     Company Matching Contributions
                                     AEO will match 100% of the first 3% of your pay plus an additional 25% of the next
                                     3% of pay that you contribute to the plan. You are eligible for the company match
                                     after one year of service.

                                     You are always 100% vested in the value of your contributions, subject to any
                                     investment gains or losses. You cannot forfeit these contributions. You are 100%
                                     vested in the value of AE’s contributions after 2 years of service.

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