Page 38 - 2022 AEO Benefit Guide
P. 38
HOW DO New York Life Disability Insurance
I KNOW While you are on an approved medical leave of absence, you may be eligible
IF I NEED for the additional benefits outlined below:
TO FILE FOR Short Term Disability*
SHORT TERM If a personal injury or illness is keeping you from working, short term disabili-
ty offers continued income when you are under a physician’s care. AEO provides
DISABILITY? you with this coverage at no cost once you have met 6 months of Full-Time service.
The plan is administered by Cigna.
If you are going to be off of
work for more than 5 con- Depending on your role with in AEO, you will be required to satisfy a 1 – 2 week
secutive days due to illness, waiting period before disability benefits are payable. Contact the benefits department
injury, or surgery, you may for more information.
be eligible for short term
disability. AEO automatically defaults you into the non-taxable plan, which provides you with
You must notify your su- a non-taxable 75% disability benefit. If you use your Short Term Disability benefits,
pervisor as soon as possi- you will receive 75% of your income (to a maximum of $3,692 per week), and it will
ble for a sudden, unplanned not be subject to taxes upon payout.
leave and at least 30 days
before a planned leave. You may opt out of the non-taxable plan, if you prefer, by checking the appropriate
Once you have notified box on the AEO Benefitfocus portal when completing your enrollment. If you opt
your supervisor, you must out and use your Short Term Disability benefits, you will receive 75% of your income,
call New York Life at which will be subject to all applicable taxes upon payout.
1.888.842.4462 to initiate
your disability claim. Associates on short term disability (including maternity leave) will be paid directly
Once New York Life au- by New York Life. Disability payments will be sent to your home. Deductions for
thorizes your leave through the 401(k) and Employee Stock Purchase Plan will stop until you return to work. You
medical review, you will be are responsible for paying your health insurance premiums while on leave, and
put on short term disability. deductions will be taken from your Cigna disability check. You are responsible
for paying your health insurance premium during the unpaid portion of your
leave. If health insurance premiums are unpaid for more than 90 days, AEO will
cancel the insurance back to the date that the premiums were paid in full. Checks
should be sent to AEO. You will stop accruing PTO until you return to work.
* Benefits are payable only if the Associate is actively working at the time of disability.
Long Term Disability
AEO offers long term disability insurance to you at no cost after 6 months of service.
The plan is administered by New York Life.
Long term disability provides those who are unable to return to work after a serious
illness or injury continued income once their short term disability is exhausted. The
monthly benefit amount is 50% of basic monthly earnings to a maximum benefit
of $30,000 per month. The long term disability monthly payment will be reduced
by any disability or retirement payments the Associate and their family receives or is
entitled to receive from Social Security or any similar plan.
AEO automatically defaults you into the non-taxable plan, which provides you with a
non-taxable 50% disability benefit. If you use your Long Term Disability benefits, you
will receive 50% of your income, and it will not be subject to taxes upon payout.
You may opt out of the non-taxable plan, if you prefer, by checking the appropriate
box on the AEO Benefitfocus portal when completing your enrollment. If you opt