Page 36 - 2022 AEO Benefit Guide
P. 36
Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)
The Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) allows you to purchase AEO stock
through payroll deductions with post-tax dollars. This is a way for you to share in
the potential future growth and profitability of the company and is an affordable
way to begin investing!
If you are at least 18 years of age, you are eligible to enroll after your 60th day of Full-
Time service. To enroll in the ESPP, log onto or contact
Fidelity at 1.800.544.9354 by the 20th of the month to be effective for the following
month’s enrollment. Changes in deductions can also be made at this time each month.
You can contribute any dollar amount up to $100 per pay period (or more without
the AEO match), and AEO will match 15% of your contribution, up to $15.00 per
pay. You are immediately vested and own all your stock from day one! Please note
that you are responsible for paying the fees related to the sale of your stock. Be
sure to keep all quarterly statements for your records.
EVIDENCE OF Life Insurance and AD&D
INSURABILITY Because AEO cares about its Associates, a group policy has been established
to provide you with Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)
(EOI) Insurance at no cost to you. Your coverage takes effect on your 30th day of
Full-Time service.
An EOI is a health history
questionnaire that is often Life Insurance
required by life insurance You will be automatically enrolled in company-paid life insurance coverage in the
companies before they will amount of 100% of your annual base salary (rounded up to the nearest thousand).
issue or increase your life
insurance coverage. If you Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance
elect an optional life ben- You will be automatically enrolled in company-paid AD&D insurance coverage in the
efit of 3x your annual base amount of 50% of your annual base salary (rounded up to the nearest thousand).
salary, you will be required
to complete the question- Add-On Options
naire, which will be re- You can purchase supplemental life insurance to cover yourself and your family.
viewed and either approved If you elect one or more of the options below, the coverage will take effect on
or denied for the purchase the first day of the pay period following your 30th day of Full-Time service.
or increase in coverage. If
you enroll online through Supplemental Life Insurance
the AEO Benefitfocus por- You may purchase additional life insurance up to a maximum of $500k
tal, a pop-up screen will in the amounts of 1x, 2x, or 3x your annual base salary (rounded up to the
appear if you need to nearest thousand). The cost of this coverage varies based on your sala-
complete an EOI. Approval ry and age. You can find your customized rate on the AEO Benefitfocus
or denial letters will be portal. Please note that you may need to complete an Evidence of Insurability
mailed to you after a (EOI) form.
decision has been made.
PLEASE NOTE: When electing Spousal Life Insurance and/or Dependent Life
Insurance, your total insured amount (combination of Basic & Supplemental Life)
must be more than the total, combined amount of insurance you elect for your
spouse and dependent(s).