Page 4 - 2022 AEO Benefit Guide
P. 4
REMINDER Enrollment Rules — Please Read Carefully!
If you have a “life change,” 1. Register at, create your username and
you must make the desired password, and then you will have the ability to access your Benefitfocus HEALTH BENEFITS
updates to your elections enrollment portal through AEO2GO or Nest.
within 31 days of the date that 2. Enroll online at the AEO Benefitfocus portal before your 30th day of
the change occurred. Please Full-Time service or within 30 days of being promoted. If you are a new hire,
report your life event on the your effective date is the first day of the month following your 30th day of
AEO Benefitfocus portal. As- Full-Time service. If you are not a new hire, but were recently promoted to
sociates can report their own Full-Time status, your effective date is the first day of the month after you have
life events on the Benefitfo- completed 30 days in a Full-Time status. You have 30 days from your promotion
cus portal or the “Benefitfo- date to enroll into coverage.
cus” mobile app (company
code: aeobenefits) within 3. If enrolling dependents, complete the online Dependent Information section
the allotted time frame. If you and upload the required documentation in the Benefitfocus document center.
do not report your life event Eligible Dependents include: spouse (married — opposite sex and same sex)
within the 31 required days, and dependent children under age 26. To ensure that same sex spouse benefits
you will have to wait until the are being taxed correctly, it is required that a copy of your marriage certificate
next Open Enrollment period or marriage license is uploaded on the Benefitfocus document center.
to make any changes to your PLEASE NOTE: Medical, dental and vision benefits will be canceled at the
current benefits package. end of the month in which a dependent child turns age 26. A COBRA
package will be sent, allowing for the dependent to continue these benefits
at full cost + 2% administrative charges for up to 18 months.
4. Be sure to confirm your elections online at the end of your enrollment process.
5. What happens if I forget to enroll? If you do not enroll by your 30th day of
Full-Time service, you will be voluntarily waiving your opportunity to enroll
and will not be enrolled into any medical, dental, or vision coverage. You
will not be able to enroll until the next annual open enrollment, unless you
have a qualifying life change.
6. What is a qualifying life change? You may enroll or change your coverage
outside of the annual open enrollment period only if you have a qualifying
life change.
Life changes include:
• You have a change in your legal marriage status including marriage,
divorce, or legal separation.
• You have a change in the number of your dependents
(birth, adoption, legal guardianship).
• You lose coverage under your parent’s or spouse’s insurance plan.
• You have a change in your status (from Part-Time to Full-Time,
or Full-Time to Part-Time).
If you have a life change, you must make the desired updates to your
PLEASE NOTE elections within 31 days of the date that the change occurred. Otherwise,
If you change your status you will have to wait until the next annual open enrollment period to make
any changes to your current benefits package.
from Full-time to Part-time,
your benefits will not auto- 7. Are there any benefits that I will be automatically enrolled in?
matically end. You have 31 You will be automatically enrolled into Basic Life, Short Term
days to fill out and submit Disability, Long Term Disability, and the 401(k) plan. Other benefits
a change form, electing to may also be applicable.
drop your benefits; otherwise, Please refer to the previous page to see a list of the benefits that
your benefits will continue. are available to you through automatic enrollment.