Page 2 - Watermark 2022 Benefits Guide - CA
P. 2
Enrolling in Your Benefits
1. Visit
2. Register or log in by answering the
security questions or click to set up
your account. The 'company key' is
watermark (case sensitive).
3. Begin the benefits enrollment
process by clicking 'Start Here'
to enroll or waive coverage.
4. Elect the benefits you want.
5. Save or submit your elections.
6. Print your election information
and confirmation number for future
reference or save it to your Message
Table of Contents
3 Benefit Basics
Your Watermark Benefits
4 Eligibility
5 Benefit Costs
We understand the important role that benefits play in the
6 Medical and Pharmacy Plan
lives of you and your family. As a new hire, and then annually
10 Savings Accounts during open enrollment, you have an opportunity to make
changes to your benefits package to ensure you and your
13 Dental Plan
family have the right coverage.
14 Vision Plan
This benefits guide can help familiarize you with Watermark’s
15 Life Insurance and Disability benefit options. It also provides useful tips, tools and
resources to help you think through your options and make
17 Voluntary Plans
wise decisions. As you prepare to enroll:
18 EAP
Consider your benefit coverage needs for the upcoming
19 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan year. For example, is your family financially protected if you
can’t work due to an accident or illness?
22 Helpful Resources
Consider other available coverage.
23 Important Notices Gather information you’ll need. If you are covering
dependents, you will need their dates of birth and Social
32 Glossary
Security numbers. In addition, you may need to provide
33 Contact Information legal documentation verifying their eligibility — such as a
marriage license or birth certificate.
Getting the most value from your benefits depends on how
well you understand your plans and how you choose to use
them. Be sure to read this entire guide for important
information about your benefit options.