Page 7 - Watermark 2022 Benefits Guide - CA
P. 7

        Medical and Pharmacy Coverage - Kaiser

        This year, Watermark is pleased to extend an HMO medical plan option through Kaiser for associates residing

        in California. Kaiser provides in-network coverage only, aside from true emergency situations, so it is very
        important to utilize only Kaiser providers; otherwise you will be responsible for the cost of the service. Review
        the providers in your area prior to making your selection. Once your benefits become effective, you will select
        a PCP by logging into your Kaiser account and designating a provider. You will automatically be assigned a
        provider if you do not designate a provider; however, this can be updated at any time by managing your
                                            HMO            Prescription Drugs for Kaiser Plan Members

         Medical Plan Provisions         In-Network        Pick up a preprinted mail-order form at any of Kaiser’s pharmacies
                                                           and drop it in the mail. For ordering refills, you can call the
         Company contribution to HSA
                                        Not applicable     automated telephone system or log into your Kaiser account and
                                                           select “Refill your prescriptions online,” 24 hours a day. For
         Annual Deductible              $2,500/$5,000      questions, contact Kaiser Member Services at 800-464-4000.

         Out-of-Pocket Maximum          $5,000/$10,000     Kaiser’s Telephone Appointments
         (Includes Deductible)
                                                           Do you have a minor health condition? If it doesn’t require an in-
         Preventive Care               Covered at 100%     person medical exam, you may be able to address it with a doctor
                                                           by phone. Some examples of conditions for a phone
                    *Amount you pay after deductible
         Primary Care Provider                                •   Allergies
         Office Visit               $20 Copay, no deductible
                                                              •   Colds and coughs
         Specialist Office Visit    $20 Copay, no deductible
                                                              •   Certain follow-ups visits
         X-Ray and Lab              $10 Copay, No deductible
         Inpatient Hospital Services        20%*              •   Upper respiratory infections

         Outpatient Hospital Services       20%*           Visit

         Urgent Care                      $20 Copay        *Members must have had at least 1 face-to-face visit with Kaiser
                                                           before using telephone appointments.
         Emergency Room                     20%*
                                                           My Health Manager
         Pharmacy Provisions             In-Network
                                                           This online tool provides secure email access to your doctor,
         Retail Pharmacy (up to a 30-day supply)           appointment scheduling, test results, prescription refills, doctor
                                                           visit and immunization history, plus your own Personal Action
         Generic                          $10 Copay
                                                           Plan. Digital ID cards are accessible eliminating the need to always
         Brand Preferred                  $30 Copay        carry your ID card.

                                     20% not to exceed $250,
         Specialty                                         Pregnancy Resources
                                    deductible does not apply
                                                           Members can obtain information on pregnancy, childbirth, baby-
         Mail Order (up to a 90-day supply)                care, breastfeeding and other programs. “Mom-to-be” tools
                                                           include pregnancy week by week, new baby checklist, what to
         Generic                          $20 Copay
                                                           bring the hospital, and more.
         Brand Preferred                  $60 Copay

         Brand Non-Preferred                N/A

        Note: This is a summary of your coverage only. Please refer to your summary plan description for the full scope of coverage.

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