Page 25 - 2022 Benegit Guide
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LegalShield and
Identity Theft Protection
LegalShield Identity Theft Protection
Founded in 1972, 3.5 million LegalShield® members You also have the option to elect the Identity
throughout the U.S. and Canada can talk to a lawyer Theft protection, which includes:
on any personal legal matter—no matter how big or • Credit report—Secure web access to your
small—without worrying about high hourly legal fees. up-to-date single bureau credit report
A membership to LegalShield includes the following: • Credit score/analysis—Detailed analysis of your
• Personal legal advice on unlimited issues personal credit score with your first credit report
• Letters/calls made on your behalf • Tripe bureau credit monitoring/activity alerts—
• Contracts and documents reviewed (up to 15 pages) Activate continuous credit monitoring of your
• Residential loan document assistance credit file via our secure website
• Lawyers to prepare your will, your living will and your • Web watchers—Monitoring your SSN, date of
health care power of attorney birth, email address, phone numbers, driver’s
• Help with moving traffic violations available 15 days license, passport number and more
after enrollment)
• IRS audit assistance • Full-service restoration—Complete identity
• Trial defense (if named defendant/respondent in a recovery services by Kroll licensed private
covered civil action suit investigators to get your identity restored
• Uncontested divorce, separation, adoption and/or • Safeguard for minors (optional, based on
name change representation plan)—Monitoring and alerts for credit files
(available 90 days after enrollment) in your child’s name, valuable information on
• 25% preferred member discount (bankruptcy, credit education and more
criminal charges, DUI, etc.) Call 1-800-654-7757 for more information.
Your Weekly Cost for Coverage
Identity Theft $3.68
LegalShield $3.68
LegalShield and Identity Theft $6.67
2022 Health and Benefits Guide 25