Page 18 - 2022 Insurity OE Guide FINAL
P. 18
Health Savings Account (HSA) –
Investment Options
Your Optum Bank HSA is a smart way to pay for qualified Managing Your HSA
medical expenses, with significant tax advantages. But
You can manage your HSA investments by logging in to
did you know your HSA can play an even greater role in
your account at You can also set
your overall wealth and retirement strategy? Once your
up one-time or recurring transfers from your HSA into your
HSA reaches a designated balance called the investment
investment account. When you set up your investment
threshold – typically $2,000 – you may choose to invest
account, you’ll choose how you want the funds to be
a portion of your HSA dollars in mutual funds.
allocated among the available mutual funds. Once your
Investment Capabilities account is established, you can change your investment
elections, transfer funds and rebalance your account online.
As an HSA account holder, you will have access to
online education and research tools to help you invest Transferring Funds
your HSA funds. You can access your HSA and the Before you can use funds from your investment account
investment options by logging in to your account at to pay for qualified medical expenses, they’ll need to be Your Optum Bank investment transferred back to your HSA deposit account. Transfers
account includes: can be completed online through your account at
O No trading fees
O Ability to transfer between funds and
reallocate balances Three Things to Remember:
O Recurring transfers – allowing you to automatically
sweep HSA funds into your investment account 1. You become eligible to invest once your account
O HSA Asset Allocation Calculator – helping you balance has reached the investment threshold,
determine which funds may be best for you typically $2,000.
O Up-to-date view of your HSA investments and
2. The minimum amount that can be transferred
personalized return information to your investment account is $100.
3. It is important to discuss with your financial advisor
if investing is right for you.