Page 13 - 2022 Chartwell Hospitality - Non-Managers
P. 13
Your Life and Accidental
Death & Dismemberment
(AD&D) Insurance Plans
Life insurance is an important part of your financial security, It is important to name a beneficiary for your Life and AD&D
especially if you support a family. insurance. If there is not a beneficiary designated, your family could
encounter delays and probate before receiving your benefits and this
The company provides basic life insurance to all eligible can be very time consuming and costly. It is also important to keep
employees at no cost to you, up to a maximum benefit of your beneficiary designation up-to-date. If you elect Supplemental
$20,000. The AD&D benefit pays a lump sum if you lose a Life Insurance for your spouse or child(ren), you will automatically be
limb or die in an accident. The maximum AD&D benefit will the beneficiary.
be equivalent to your basic life benefit. Coverage is
automatic. You do not need to enroll.
In addition to the company paid insurance, Chartwell AND AD&D SCHEDULE AMOUNT
provides you the opportunity to purchase Supplemental
Life Insurance for yourself, spouse and children through
Employee Increments of $10,000,
payroll deductions. Employees must enroll in order to elect $500,000 max
coverage for their spouse or child(ren).When electing the
Supplemental Life, you are automatically enrolled in the Spouse Increments of $5,000
Supplemental AD&D Insurance for the same benefit 50% of Employee Approved
amount. This will pay in addition to Supplemental Life if the Amount
cause of death is an accident or benefits will be paid for
Children – Age 14 days to
age 19 (25 if full-time $10,000
NEW: Travel Connect Guarantee Issue Amount
Make travel less stressful. We’re here to assist you with:
Employee $200,000
• Emergency pet boarding and/or return Return of
traveling companion $30,000
• ID recovery assistance Spouse 50% of Employee Approved
• Vehicle return Amount
• Emergency travel arrangements
Lost or stolen travel documents
• Language translation services Note: Evidence of Insurability will be required for the below:
• Medical and dental referrals 1. Amounts over Guarantee Issue and/or
Corrective lens and medical device replacement
2. Late Entrants to the Plan (offered Supplemental Life and
• Medication and vaccine delivery waived prior)
Evacuation coordination for an emergency security or
political event, or natural disaster*
• Destination information
• And MORE!
For a complete list of TravelConnect services,
go to
and enter your group ID: LFGTravel123