Page 6 - 2022 Chartwell Hospitality - Non-Managers
P. 6

You must visit a MultiPlan
                                                in-network provider to receive
              WHY YOU’LL LIKE
                                                benefits under your MEC plan.
               SELECT BENEFITS
                                                If you choose to visit an out-of-
               with Symetra
                                                network provider, no benefits
        ✓  Simple to Understand                 will be paid.

            and easy to use
        ✓  No pre-existing condition            To verify your provider is part
            limitations                         of the MultiPlan network or to
        ✓  You can visit a network              search for providers in your
            provider or any provider            area, visit
            you choose
        ✓  No deductibles or co-
        ✓  Benefits are paid
                                                            For questions about your MEC-Select coverage,
            regardless of any other
            coverage you may have,
            including your minimum                                     Select Benefit Administrators
            essential coverage.                                          Toll-free: 1-800-497-3699
                                                                            Fax: (715) 682-5919
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