Page 4 - TruckPro-2022-Benefit Guide-FINAL
P. 4


                                                               Spouse/domestic partner eligibility
        Full-time associates who work at least 30 hours per week are
        eligible for the benefits described in this guide.     If your spouse/domestic partner is employed and eligible
        Most benefits are effective on the first of the month following   for health plan coverage through his or her job (regardless
        30 days of employment. You will be eligible to participate in   of whether your spouse/domestic partner enrolls in that
        the 401(k) plan if you are at least 18. You will automatically be   coverage), he or she is NOT ELIGIBLE for coverage under
        enrolled with a 3% salary deferral in the 401(k) after meeting   the TruckPro health plans. If your spouse/domestic
        eligibility requirements. The following dependents are    partner loses or gains access to employer-sponsored
        also eligible:                                         health plan insurance, you must notify the Human
                                                               Resources Department within 31 days.
         Your legal spouse
         Your domestic partner – A domestic partner is a person
          of the same or opposite sex with whom you live in a   Tobacco user surcharge
          committed relationship. You and your partner will have    If you and/or your spouse/domestic partner use tobacco,
          to complete an affidavit.                            you will pay more for your medical coverage. To participate in
         Your children up to age 26                           the medical plan at the non-tobacco premium cost, complete
         Your mentally or physically disabled children over age 26    the Tobacco Cessation program. See page 11 for details.
          (if they depend on you for support). You will have to   As a reminder: If you make any intentional false statements
          provide documentation of their disability.           about your tobacco use, you will be subject to disciplinary
                                                               action, up to and including termination.
        Changes to your benefits

        Generally, you may only make or change your existing benefit
        elections as a new hire or during the annual open enrollment
        period. However, you may change your benefit elections
        during the year if you experience an event such as:
         Marriage, divorce or legal separation
         Birth or adoption of a child
         Loss or gain of other coverage by the employee
          or dependent
         Eligibility for Medicare or Medicaid
        You have 31 days from the qualified life event to make
        changes to your coverage. Depending on the type of event,
        you may need to provide proof of the event, such as a
        marriage license. If you do not make the changes within
        31 days of the qualified event, you will have to wait until the
        next open enrollment period to make changes (unless you
        experience another qualified life event).

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