Page 6 - TruckPro-2022-Benefit Guide-FINAL
P. 6

2022 New Hire Checklist

                                                                  If you elect the Bronze HSA and want to contribute to
         Sign on and register for ADP per registration instructions
                                                                  your account select amount; TruckPro will match
          within 5 days of hire
                                                                   annually, $300 associate, $600 associate and spouse
           Payroll – Federal W4/State Tax/Direct Deposit          and $600 Family
           W-4 must be completed in ADP within 5 days of hire,    HSA; If first time contributing to HSA, your account will
            click Myself Tab, Pay, Tax Withholding                 be opened with Medcom
           State/local tax paper form completed and returned to    Dental and Vision – select plan
            payroll within 5 days of hire                          FSA, Health Care or Dependent Care (Child Care Expenses)
           Direct deposit information must be completed in ADP    Note: If you elected Platinum or Bronze HSA, you are
            within 5 days of hire, click Myself tab, Pay, Direct Deposit   only allowed to elect Limited FSA
                                                                  Voluntary Life Plans and Voluntary AD&D plans –
        START ENROLLMENT IN ADP                                    select plan
         Wizard-based Enrollment Tool begins the Enrollment Process
                                                               COMPLETE ENROLLMENT
           Click Start this Enrollment
                                                                Review all selections, select “Submit Enrollment”. Please
           Enroll now or view benefits                        
                                                                 note that your benefit elections will not be processed
           Answer any questions that are applicable, are you a
                                                                 until you click Submit Enrollment. If SAVE FOR LATER is
            tobacco user? Select continue
                                                                 selected, these enrollments will not be submitted to your
           The left side of the screen will indicate the different plan   HR department until you fully submit the enrollment.
            types that are available to enroll in, all plans are displayed
           You may choose to click select plan or waive this benefit.   CUSTOM FIELD QUESTIONS
                                                                Select myself tab/my information/profile
            If you waive a benefit, you need to select a reason   
           While enrolling in a plan, please sure to indicate which    Go to personal info, select view more, scroll down and
            dependents should be covered in step 2, if applicable.    select additional information
            If you need to update or add a dependent, you may click    Answer and complete all questions
            Manage Dependents link in step 2                      Spouse/domestic partner eligibility
                                                                  Tobacco use (you, spouse/domestic partner and children
        PLANS TO SELECT IN ADP move to the bottom left and         over age 18, limit is three per family)
        then continue                                             Disclaimer
         Elect or waive coverage
           Medical – select plan
           Tobacco users will select “Tobacco-User Status Medical
            Coverage” and will then select the surcharge for you,
            your spouse or/and dependent over 18 (maximum
            surcharge is limited to three per family), that uses
            tobacco products covered under your plan
            Note: If you make any intentional false statements about
            your tobacco use, you will be subject to disciplinary
            action, up to and including termination
           If you elect the Platinum HSA and want to contribute
            to your account select amount; TruckPro will match
            annually, $500 associate, $750 associate and spouse
            and $1,000 Family

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