Page 11 - TruckPro-2022-Benefit Guide-FINAL
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Medical plan resources

                                                                  Orthus Health for Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes
          Prescription drug benefits
          CRX International: Available to members on a voluntary basis    Benefit is available to all associates in the health plan and
          is a cost saving mail order drug program for brand name   diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 1 or type 2 diabetes
          prescriptions administered by CRX International.         No requirements to replace your existing glucose meter
                                                                   You will have access to digital and telephonic coaching,
          Advantage of joining the program administered by CRX are:
                                                                    individualized nutrition, exercise and adherence alerts to
           $0 copay for all prescriptions offered through the program
                                                                    improve glycemic trend
           Prescriptions shipped directly to your home with no    Visit or
            shipping and handling costs                             call Orthus Health phone number is 800-550-2427 to enroll
           No out-of-pocket expenses
          For a list of the brand name prescriptions and for additional   FEDlogic
          details, please visit or
          contact Customer Service Representatives at 866-488-7874.   Confidential, unlimited access to personal advocates to assist
                                                                  with state and federal benefits information for all associates
          BCBS Tennessee                                          enrolled in the health plan
          Mandatory Mail Order: Members are required to fill maintenance    Resource for Medicare & Social Security benefits education;
          medications through the Home Delivery or Plus90 Network   or assistance navigating Medicaid, Marketplace or COBRA
          program after three 30 day refills at a retail pharmacy.    Call 877-837-4196 to schedule a phone consultation
          Specialty SmartStart Program                            Reasons to call FEDlogic
          Cutting down on drug waste and costs by reducing the initial     You or a household family member reached or are
          fill of a specialty oncology drug, the pharmacy will fill the first    approaching Medicare age and want to learn more about
          15 days of the prescription and the member pays half of the   Medicare or Social Security Benefits
          cost share. If the member is doing well, the second 15 day dose    You have a child with a disability or born prematurely
          is filled and member pays the other half of the cost share.    You have lost a spouse
                                                                   You need assistance navigating Medicaid, Marketplace
          PhysicianNow                                              or COBRA

          PhysicianNow is a convenient way to access a doctor from    You are currently on dialysis
          your home, office or while traveling. All you need is a
          telephone, smartphone, tablet or computer.              Tobacco cessation coaching
          PhysicianNow doctors can diagnose your symptoms and if a   Healthy Guidance telephone coaching sessions are
          prescription is needed, send it to your pharmacy        customized to the smoker’s unique needs, starting
                                                                  where you are. The coaching program provides just
          24/7 access to board certified doctors – no appointment needed!
                                                                  the right kind of personalized support that helps
          For non-emergency medical issues (especially as an alternative
                                                                  participants kick the addiction successfully.
          to a costly emergency room or urgent care center visit)
          PhysicianNow is easy to use, always available, secure, confidential   Call 1 – Assessment & Education
          and meets all medical privacy regulations Call 888-283-6691 to   Call 2 – Prepare to Quit
          request a consultation or visit Blue Access.            Call 3 – Action Plan
                                                                  Call 4 – Quit Day
                                                                  Call 5 – Relapse Prevention and Follow-Up Assessment

                                                                  To get started, contact ComPsych Guidance Resources
                                                                  Call: 844-263-5606
                                                                  Go Online:
                                                                  Web ID: TruckPro

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