Page 10 - 2022 US Benefits Guide FINAL
P. 10

Healthy You!

        At Applied we want employees to be engaged in their
        jobs and communities, be active and engaged in their
        health, and ultimately achieve their highest level of
                                                                             BCBSIL Well onTarget
        Our Healthy You! program is designed to:
        • Encourage employees to become aware of the status of their own     Once you have logged into BCBSIL
          health                                                             Blue Access for Members and take

        • Provide education, resources, and support to employees             your Health Assessment you will have
                                                                             access to all the tools on BCBSIL Well
        • Help you make good decisions about your health                     onTarget, such as:
        • Increase employee engagement and productivity
        • Manage health care costs                                           Digital Self-Management Tools
                                                                             Online interactive and education
        All eligible employees and spouses/domestic partners enrolled in a   programs let you work at your own
        company medical plan have the opportunity to earn up to a $20 semi-  pace to reach your health goals. Track
        monthly discount on their medical insurance premiums by completing   your progress as you make your way
        the steps of the program:
                                                                             through each class.
        •  Provide the name of your Primary Care Physician in Benefits Prime
        •  Complete the Health Assessment on the Blue Cross Blue Shield      Well onTarget Mobile App by
          Member Website                                                     AlwaysOn
                                                                             AlwaysOn is a complimentary app that
                Log on to Blue Access for Members                           gives you the flexibility to complete
                Go to Well onTarget                                         Well onTarget activities on your
                                                                             phone.  You can connect a fitness
                Take the Health Assessment (HA)                             app, use health trackers and more.
                Once you take the HA you will get a personalized wellness
                 report and tips for living your healthiest life.            Coaching Programs
                                                                             If you need a little extra help, the
        •  Electronically Certify through an Affidavit in Benefits Prime that you   Wellness coaching team is made up
          and your covered dependents are Tobacco Free for three months or   of credentials health experts who will
                                                                             guide you through programs that are
                                                                             of specific interest to you.  Whether
                                                                             you want help with quitting tobacco,
         Stop Smoking Today! We Can Help!                                    improving your fitness level,
                                                                             decreasing your weight, or improving
         If you are a smoker, we offer a smoking cessation                   dietary habits, there is a program for
         program. We will reimburse you and your dependents up               you and a coach who will support you
                                                                             in your efforts with secured messaging
         to $500 for programs to help reach the goal to stop                 to stay in regular contact..
         smoking. If you complete the program, you may be eligible
         for the Healthy You! program. Please contact                        And much more! to get started.

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