Page 8 - 2022 US Benefits Guide FINAL
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        24/7 Nurseline                                            Special Beginnings Maternity
        Speak with a registered nurse 24/7 by calling the
        medical plan’s 24-Hour Nurseline. The nurses              Program
        can help you decide whether you or a covered              This confidential maternity program helps
        family member should go to the emergency room             expectant mothers better understand and
        or urgent care center or make a doctor’s                  manage their pregnancy. With Special
        appointment. You have 24/7 access simply by               Beginnings, you’ll get the support you need from
        calling 800-299-0274.                                     early pregnancy until six weeks after delivery, as
                                                                  well as:
                                                                  •   Pregnancy risk factor identification and
        BCBSIL Members have access to Telemedicine                    ongoing communication and monitoring
        through MDLive.  MDLive is a 24/7 service that            •   Education materials, including a
        provides access to board-certified doctors by                 comprehensive book, about pregnancy and
        mobile app, online video or phone. Whether you                infant care topics
        are at home, at work, traveling or you simply want        •   Personal telephone contact with program
        a more convenient way to see a doctor, it is easy             staff
        to use and available anytime, anywhere. Visits            •   Help managing high-risk conditions such as
        are just $15 in the PPO, while deductible and                 gestational diabetes and preeclampsia
        coinsurance apply in the HDHP.  Visit Blue                •   Access to an online resource with maternity
        Access for Members at to register              tools, articles and information available
        on MDLive’s website.                                          through your Blue Access for MembersSM
                                                                      (BAMSM) account.
        Smart90 Rx
        When you switch from a 30-day prescription of
        your daily medication to a 90-day prescription            Getting started is easy
        filled at Walgreens, you will spend less time and
        money getting your medication.  When you get a            •   Register by phone - Call toll-free 1-888-
        90-day supply of your medications through                     421-7781, 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., CT. to sign
        Smart90 at Walgreens, or through Express                      up for the program.
        Scripts mail order, you pay two copays, giving
        you one month of your medication for free.                •   Complete a questionnaire – After you sign
        Deductible does apply in the HDHP plan.                       up, you’ll need to answer a few questions
                                                                      about your health, lifestyle and pregnancy.
        Women’s Preventive Medications                                You can do this online through your Blue
        and Diabetic Testing Supplies                                 Access for Members account, or ask that a
                                                                      nurse call you. Your answers will be kept
        Certain women’s preventive medications will be                private and will help us determine any health
        covered at no cost to the member.  For a full list            risks that might affect you or your baby.
        of these prescriptions, please contact Customer
        Service.  Diabetic testing supplies will be covered       Special Beginnings is not a substitute for
        at 100%, with deductible applying in the HDHP             professional medical guidance. It is important to
        Plan.                                                     share any health concerns with your physician.

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