Page 10 - Leona Arizona Employment Group Flipbook
P. 10
Health Reimbursement Account
A Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is an account the company funds that you can use to pay for qualified health
care expenses. When you enroll in Aetna’s CHDP/HRA Plan, Leona funds the HRA with $500 for individual coverage and $1,000
for family coverage. You are not able to make contributions to the HRA. (HRA funding is prorated for new hires.)
It helps you pay for medical expenses
This includes out-of-pocket expenses to meet your deductible, copays and coinsurance. Your eligible health
care expenses are automatically deducted from your HRA and paid to your health care provider. Preventive
Care services are covered at 100% by the plan when in-network providers are used. There is no out-of-pocket
cost to you, nor is there a deduction from your Health Reimbursement Account. Prescription drug copays are
eligible for reimbursement from the HRA.
Once your HRA funds are exhausted and your member deductible has been met, Aetna begins to pay a
portion of the costs (i.e. the plan pays 80% and you pay 20% in-network). If you reach the annual out-of-pocket
maximum, Aetna will cover the remaining eligible medical expenses at 100% for the rest of the plan year.
You are responsible for the remaining portion of the deductible once your HRA benefit dollars have been
exhausted. You will receive an Explanation of Benefits from Aetna so you know how much you owe for health
care expenses.
Unused funds roll over You can use HRAs with an FSA
If you have HRA credits left over at the If you have an HRA, you can also
end of the year, and you’re still enrolled contribute to a Health Care Flexible
in the CHDP/HRA Plan the following Spending Account (FSA), to give yourself
year, any remaining balance will even more pretax dollars to pay for
automatically roll over to next year. out-of-pocket medical, dental and vision
expenses. Remember that unused FSA
If you leave the company or change funds are forfeited from one program
plans, however, you will forfeit any
year to the next, due to IRS rules.
remaining balance.