Page 26 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Administrative Employees
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Advocacy Program
Personal Health Advocates can answer questions about your health plan, explain insurance jargon, help you understand your
coverage, find doctors and support medical and insurance issues. Health Advocate (HA) is available at no cost to employees and
their eligible family members and is completely confidential.
• Help you understand your benefits • Arrange second opinions
HA will answer questions about your benefits and HA will connect you with the right specialists and
coverage, including medical, prescription, dental coordinate the transfer of medical records.
and vision. • Help to make informed decisions
• Explain your share of the costs HA will help you become informed about test results,
This includes the deductibles you have to meet before treatment options, medications, and more.
the insurance pays, as well as the copays/coinsurance • Resolve claims and billing issues
for doctor and medical visits. HA will work on your behalf to resolve complicated
• Confirm your doctors’ network status medical claims and billing issues.
HA can help locate in-network providers and explain • Help on the go
your out-of-network benefits, if needed. Quickly reach HA any time you like — by phone, email
• Clarify health conditions and secure messaging. Easy access to HA’s website
HA can answer questions about diagnoses and and mobile app for articles, tips, tools and more.
treatments and research the latest treatment options.
• Coordinate care and services
HA’s clinical team will help coordinate services relating
to all aspects of your care.
Expert Medical Opinions
Making important care and treatment decisions can be confusing and stressful, especially when facing a serious, complex or
life-altering diagnosis. The Expert Medical Opinion Program connects members to the nation’s leading specialists for expert
second opinions, giving you peace of mind in care and treatment decisions.
Health Advocate’s experienced clinical team will:
• Ask you about your medical history, current diagnosis
and treatment(s).
• Search our nationwide database of leading specialists, When Should You Seek a
Academic Centers and Centers of Excellence. Second Opinion?
• Locate the right in-network expert to meet your • When your diagnosis is unclear, rare, complex or
specific needs. life-threatening.
• Arrange all aspects of your second opinion • When your symptoms are not improving with your
consultation (in-person or remote). current treatments.
• Coordinate the transfer of medical records, test • When you’re uncomfortable with your diagnosis or
results and/or X-rays. treatment, or feel like you’re not being heard.
• Support you before, during and after your visit.