Page 9 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Administrative Employees
P. 9

The HDHP and HSA: How They Work Together

        Together, your and DPR Construction’s contributions can cover a portion of your deductible and coinsurance.

               Free In-Network              Deductible                Coinsurance            Out-of-Pocket Maximum
               Preventive Care
              To emphasize the            You pay for your      Once the deductible is met,   The plan limits the total
            importance of wellness,      initial medical costs    you and the plan share any   amount you’ll pay each year.
           preventive care is covered    until you meet your     further health care costs    Once you meet your
               at 100%, if you           annual deductible.         until you meet the       out-of-pocket maximum,
             receive this care from    This deductible is higher   out-of-pocket maximum.  the plan pays 100% of your
             in-network providers.      compared to the other                              eligible, in-network expenses
                                      medical plans, but offset by                         for the remainder of the year.
                                      HSA contributions you and
                                     DPR Construction may make.

        How the HSA Works                                         EXAMPLE: Yolanda enrolls herself only in the HDHP
                                                                  with HSA. She chooses to use her HSA to pay for covered
        Please note: Funds available for reimbursement are limited   services — this reduces her out-of-pocket amount needed to
        to the balance in your HSA.                               meet her deductible before her health plan begins to pay.

                                                                      YEAR 1 EXAMPLE            YEAR 2 EXAMPLE
                Choose the High Deductible Health Plan
                          during enrollment.
                                                                     DPR Construction deposits   DPR Construction deposits
                                                                      $750 in Yolanda’s HSA    $750 in Yolanda’s HSA
                    DPR Construction opens an HSA
                (HSA Bank) for you and you begin to make                                       She contributes $2,800
                      deposits into your account .
                                                                                                for a total of $3,550
                                                                      She contributes $2,800
                      You determine how much to                        for a total of $3,550
                    contribute (tax-free) to your HSA                                           $2,850 rolls over from
                          each pay period.                                                   last year for a total of $6,400

                        Use money in your HSA
                      for eligible medical, dental                    She uses her HSA to pay   She uses her HSA to pay
                       and/or vision expenses.                       $700 of eligible expenses  $1,250 of eligible expenses

                    Money left over at the end of the
                     year rolls over for future use                    She has $2,850 in         She has $5,150 in
                         and can be invested.                          her HSA to roll over     her HSA to roll over
                                                                          to next year             to next year
        *  You are required to confirm your identity to HSA Bank in accordance with
          the USA Patriot Act.

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