Page 10 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Administrative Employees
P. 10

Flexible Spending Accounts

        Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) allow you to pay for eligible health care and day care expenses using
        tax-free dollars. There are three types of FSAs – the Health Care FSA, the Limited Purpose FSA and
        the Day Care FSA:

                           Used to pay for services not covered by your medical, dental or vision plan such as copays, coinsurance,
         Health Care       deductibles, prescription expenses, lab exams and tests, contact lenses and eyeglasses. If you enroll in the Health
         FSA               Care FSA and then decide to move to the Cigna HDHP/HSA, then your funds up to the carryover amount (listed
                           below) will carry over into a Limited Purpose FSA.

         Limited Purpose   Used if you are enrolled in the Cigna HDHP medical plan; it works the same way as the standard Health Care FSA;
         FSA               however, you may only use it to pay for eligible vision and dental expenses.

                           Used to pay for day care expenses associated with caring for elder or child dependents that
         Day Care          are necessary for you and your spouse/domestic partner to work or attend school full-time.
                           You cannot use your Health Care FSA to pay for Day Care expenses.

                HEALTH CARE FSA*                  LIMITED PURPOSE FSA*                    DAY CARE FSA*

                                                                                  Contribute up to $5,000 per year,
          Contribute up to $2,850 per year, pre-tax.  Contribute up to $2,850 per year, pre-tax.  pre-tax, or $2,500 if married and filing
                                                                                  separate tax returns.

                                              Only for those enrolled in the High   You must submit claims and be
          Receive a debit card to pay for     Deductible Health Plan (HDHP). Receive a
          eligible medical expenses.                                              reimbursed if you enroll in this
                                              debit card to pay for eligible expenses.  FSA; no debit cards are provided.

          To pay for eligible medical, dental and   Use a debit card to pay for eligible dental   Can only be used to pay for eligible
          vision copays, coinsurance, deductibles,   and vision expenses only (eyeglasses or   day care expenses including day care,
          and prescription or over-the-counter   contact lenses, dental or vision copays,   after-school programs, summer camps
          medication copayments, as well as   orthodontia, etc.).                 and elder care programs.
          eyeglasses or contact lenses, etc.

                                                                                  Submit claims up to 60 days after the
          Carryover up to $570, which can be    Carryover up to $570, which can be used
                                                                                  following year starts for expenses incurred
          used during the following year.     during the following year.
                                                                                  from January 1 to December 31.

        * Any required legislated changes will be complied with. Please visit the Navia section in the HR Toolbox for more info.

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