Page 11 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Administrative Employees
P. 11

How You Can Save on Taxes With Flexible Spending Accounts

        Here’s an example of how much you can save when you use an FSA to pay for your predictable health care and day care

                                          HEALTH CARE FSA                              DAY CARE FSA

                                 WITHOUT ACCOUNT        WITH ACCOUNT         WITHOUT ACCOUNT        WITH ACCOUNT

        Your Taxable                 $50,000              $50,000               $50,000               $50,000
        Annual Income

        Account Deposit                N/A                 $2,500                 N/A                 $5,000
        (Before Taxes)

        Taxable Wages                $50,000              $47,500               $50,000               $45,000

        Federal & Social             $14,325              $13,609               $14,325               $12,894
        Security Taxes

        Expense                      $2,500                 N/A                  $5,000                 N/A
        (After Taxes)

        Take Home
        (Net)                        $33,175              $33,891               $30,675               $32,106

        Annual Tax Savings             $0                  $716                   $0                    $1,431

        It’s Easy to Use These Accounts                                       Important Notes!

                 First, you contribute to the account(s) with pre-tax dollars   There is a “use it or lose it” rule imposed by
                 deducted from your paycheck. That means no taxes             the IRS. In other words, if you do not spend
                 (federal, state or Social Security) will be withheld from any    all the money in your FSA by the deadline, any
                 of those dollars.                                            unused dollars in your account(s) after the
                                                                              deadline will be forfeited, with the exception
                 Then, you pay for certain eligible expenses out of your pocket   of the carryover option on the Health Care
                 as usual. You may use your debit card or submit a claim (along   FSA and Limited Purpose FSA.
                 with the appropriate documentation) to be reimbursed for
                 those expenses from the dollars in your account.

                 Register your account at the Navia benefits website. When      If you are a participant in a Health
                 registering in the Navia website, please note that the requested   Savings Account (HSA), you are eligible
                 employer code is DPR.                                          to enroll in the Limited Purpose FSA.

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