Page 6 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Administrative Employees
P. 6

Medical Plan Options

        Our medical plan options provide you and your eligible dependents access to preventive care and comprehensive medical
        coverage for optimal health and wellbeing.

        You can choose from any of the medical plan options that you are eligible for. DPR offers three medical plans, two through Cigna
        and one through Kaiser (CA EEs only). Each medical plan offers:

        •  Comprehensive health care benefits, including prescription drug coverage
        •  In-network preventive care covered at 100%
        •  Coverage for eligible children up to age 26
        •  Comprehensive Mental Health Support
        Choose the Plan That’s Right for You

        The key difference between the plans is the amount of money you’ll pay each pay period and when you access care. The plans
        have different:
        •  Annual deductible amount: The amount you pay each year
            for eligible in-network and out-of-network
            charges before the plan benefits begin to pay.
        •  Out-of-pocket maximums: The most you will pay each year
            for eligible network services including prescriptions.
        •  Copay and coinsurance: Money you pay toward the cost of
            covered services when you access care.

        Save when you use in-network

        In-network providers offer the highest level of benefits and lower
        out-of-pocket costs. Network providers charge reduced fees while
        out-of-network providers set their own rates, and you may have to
        pay the difference if a provider’s fees are above the Reasonable
        and Customary (R&C) limits. For Cigna members, visit myCigna.
        com or the Cigna app to view the available Cigna network
        Need help choosing the right plan for

        your and your family’s needs?

        Utilize the Cigna Easy Choice Tool and answer a series of
        questions to provide a personalized medical
        plan recommendation.
        •  Cigna Easy Choice Access Code: 2RNCRVJE

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