Page 18 - Interior Architects-2022-23-Benefit Guide
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Additional Benefits (continued)
Commuter benefits Business Travel Accident (BTA) Insurance
Employees can use pretax dollars to pay for parking or If you travel for business, you can have peace of mind
public transportation expenses while commuting to knowing IA offers Business Travel Accident insurance,
work. The maximum contribution is $280 per month to through AIG, to eligible employees. In the event that
your transit/vanpool account and up to $280 per month you suffer a medical emergency during a covered trip,
to your parking account. benefits are payable up to 5 times your annual salary to
a maximum benefit of $1,000,000. Outside of a medical
For more information, or to enroll, visit https://login. emergency, you may access benefits for flight delays, lost Enrollment must be done by luggage and concierge services.
the 10th of the month for the following benefit period.
BTA coverage begins when you leave your home or work
To register, you will bee the following Company ID: 2520 site to travel on Company business and ends when you
return home or to your work site, whichever comes first.
Travel Assistance Please note, your regular commute to and from work is not
IA provides a Travel Assistance plan through Lincoln covered by this plan.
Financial Group’s partnership with TravelConnect. The charges incurred must be medically necessary and
When traveling more than 100 miles from home any travel assistance services must be authorized by AIG.
(for business or pleasure), call TravelConnect toll-free For eligibility verification, plan information, or to file a
24/7 for travel, medical and safety-related services: claim, contact AIG at 877-244-6871 (within U.S.)
603-328-1955. or 715-346-0859 (outside of U.S.). Visit
This program helps you coordinate the following services: travelguardassistance or email
emergency medical evacuation and transportation,
emergency travel arrangements, lost or stolen travel
document replacement assistance, prescription replacement
assistance, emergency messaging services, and much more.
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