Page 22 - Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc 2022 Benefit Guide
P. 22


        Qualifying Events                                                         HIPAA Notification of Privacy Practices
        If you experience a qualified life-status change or if you move out of your   Tessenderlo Kerley Health Plan (the “Plan”) provides health benefits to
        plan area, you may add or discontinue coverage that is consistent with    eligible employees and their eligible dependents as described in the
        the status change, by contacting Human Resources and submitting the       summary plan description(s) for the Plan. The Plan creates, receives,
        proper forms within 30 days of the event.                                 uses, maintains and discloses health information about participating
                                                                                  employees and dependents in the course of providing these health
        Qualifying Events include:                                                benefits. The Plan is required by law to provide notice to participants
        • Marriage, divorce, or legal separation                                  of the Plan’s duties and privacy practices with respect to covered
        • Birth of a child                                                        individuals’ protected health information, and has done so by providing to

        • Death of a dependent                                                    Plan participants a Notice of Privacy Practices, which describes the ways
        • Placement of a child with you for adoption or foster care               that the Plan uses and discloses protected health information. To receive
                                                                                  a copy of the Plan’s Notice of Privacy Practices you should contact your
        • Change in your or your spouse’s employment status                       Benefits representative, who has been designated as the Plan’s contact
        • Receiving qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO)                 person for all issues regarding the Plan’s privacy practices and covered
                                                                                  individuals’ privacy rights. You can reach this contact person at the
        Women’s Health & Cancer Rights Act                                        address and phone number at the top of this page.
        Do you know that your plan, as required by the Women’s Health and
        Cancer Right Act of 1998, provides benefits for mastectomy-related        COBRA
        services, including all stages of reconstruction and surgery to achieve   The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA)
        symmetry between the breasts, prostheses and treatment for complications   provides for continued coverage for a certain period of time at applicable
        resulting from a mastectomy, including lymphedema? Contact your Human     monthly COBRA rates if you, your spouse, or your dependents lose group
        Resources representative at one of the phone numbers provided above for   medical, dental, or vision coverage because you terminate employment
        more information.                                                         (for reason other than gross misconduct); your work hours are reduced
                                                                                  below the eligible status for these benefits; you die, divorce, or are legally
        Our plan complies with these requirements. Benefits for these items       separated; or a child ceases to be an eligible dependent.
        generally are comparable to those provided under our plan for similar
        types of medical services and supplies. Of course, the extent to which
        any of these items is appropriate following mastectomy is a matter to be
        determined by the patient and her physician. Our plan neither imposes
        penalties (for example, reducing or limiting reimbursements) nor provides
        incentives to induce attending providers to provide care inconsistent with
        these requirements. If you would like more information about WHCRA
        required coverage, you can contact Human Resources.

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