Page 16 - 2021 Dreyer's New Hire Guide
P. 16

HOW DOES AN HSA WORK?                                  QUALIFIED HSA EXPENSES

          You contribute to the HSA on a pretax basis and        Expenses can be reimbursed from your HSA if the
          can change how much you contribute from each           expenses are for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation,
          paycheck up to the IRS maximum anytime during          treatment or prevention of disease, and for
          the year. This account is only compatible with the     treatments affecting any part or function of the
          following medical plans: Anthem PPO HSA (High          body. The expenses must be primarily to alleviate
          Deductible Plan) – $1,500 and Anthem Blue Cross        or prevent a physical or mental defect or illness.
          PPO HSA (High Deductible Plan) – $3,000.               Expenses solely for cosmetic reasons generally
                                                                 are not considered expenses for medical care.
          2022: $3,650 (Employee Only) or $7,300 (Family)
                                                                 Also, expenses that are merely beneficial to your
          If you are age 55+, you can make an additional         general health are not eligible.
          $1,000 catch-up contribution. You can use money
          in your HSA to pay for insurance deductibles           A complete list of eligible and non-eligible
          and medical care/supplies like dentistry,              expenses can be found at https://www.
          ophthalmology and prescription drugs.        
                                                                 html, and in IRS Publication 502, which can be
          When you enroll, an account will be created for        ordered from the IRS by calling 8OO.TAX.FORM
          you. You’ll be given access to a secure, easy-to-use   (800-829-3676) or by visiting
          web portal where you can track your account
          balance, or submit requests for reimbursements.
          In addition, you’ll be issued an HSA Benefits Card       If you have a family status change
          you can use at point-of-sale to pay for qualified        mid-year (example: Employee + Family to
          medical expenses. Claim submissions and receipt          Employee Only), the HSA contribution will be
          upload can be done online at               increased or decreased accordingly based
          or through the mobile app. Payment will be made          on monthly proration.
          based on your available funds. Distributions can
          be made payable to you or a provider.
          For questions, you can call Customer Service at
          866-234-8913 – option 1, Monday – Friday, or online
          through live chat at


                2021–2022 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS GUIDE
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