Page 5 - 2022 Arabella Advisors Benefit Guide
P. 5

Medical Coverage – Benefits

       Each plan uses the Aetna Choice® POS II (Open Access) network

                                              PPO Medical HRA Plan                     PPO Medical HSA Plan
       Plan Provisions

                                             In-                Out-of-               In-                Out-of-
                                          Network              Network              Network             Network

       Annual Deductible                  $1,800 /             $3,600 /             $3,000 /            $6,000 /
       (Individual/Family)                 $3,600               $7,200              $6,000              $12,000

       Annual Employer
       contributions                               $375 / $750                             $600 / $1,200

       Out-of-Pocket Maximum              $4,500 /             $6,500 /             $5,000 /            $10,000 /
       (Includes Deductible)
       (Individual/Family)                 $9,000              $13,000              $10,000             $20,000

       Lifetime Maximum                             Unlimited                                Unlimited

                                                               80% after                                80% after
       Preventive Care                      100%                                     100%
                                                              deductible                               deductible

                                        $25 copay for
       Physician / Specialist Office       Primary             80% after           95% after            80% after
       Visit                            $50 copay for         deductible           Deductible          deductible

       Urgent Care                                  $75 copay                           95% after Deductible

                                                               80% after           95% after            80% after
       X-Ray and Lab                      $25 copay
                                                              deductible           deductible          deductible

                                     95% after deductible      80% after           95% after            80% after
       Inpatient Hospital Services
                                       and $300 copay         deductible           deductible          deductible

                                                               80% after           95% after            80% after
       Outpatient Hospital Services  95% after deductible
                                                              deductible           deductible          deductible

       Emergency Room Care                        $200 per visit
                                                                                        95% after deductible
       Ambulance Services                           $75 copay

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