Page 24 - Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
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Invest In The Future
Skyworks wants to help you save for the future by offering two savings programs. They will help you save
for your retirement or other financial goals.
Skyworks Solutions Savings And
Retirement 401(k) Plan
You are eligible to participate in the 401(k) plan date. You will also be enrolled in the Automatic
if you are employed by Skyworks as a regular Increase Program which will increase your
employee and are at least 18 years of age. Through contribution by 1% per year until you reach 15%
automatic payroll deduction, you may contribute unless you cancel your enrollment in the program.
between 1% and 60% of your eligible pay on a Skyworks will make matching contributions to your
pre-tax basis (qualified distributions are taxed), account equal to 100% of the first 4% of eligible
or on an after-tax basis under the Roth 401(k) plan compensation that you contribute to the Plan, as
feature (qualified distributions are tax-free), up pre-tax contributions.
to the annual IRS dollar limit. If you are age 50 or
older and have reached the annual IRS limit or the Under limited circumstances you may withdraw
Plan’s maximum contribution limit for the year, you before-tax contributions from the plan before
may make additional salary deferral to the Plan up retirement; however, you may be required to pay
to the IRS Catch-Up Provision limit. The company taxes on the amount you withdraw plus certain tax
match can be invested in the Skyworks Company penalties. You may also take a loan from the plan, if
Stock Fund. The fund cannot be used for employee needed.
elected contributions.
You are always 100% vested in your:
30 days from when your employment is sent to • Employee pre-tax account
Fidelity, you will be automatically enrolled in the • Employer matching contribution account
401(k) plan at a deferral rate of 4%. You must opt-
out of the plan on the Fidelity website if you don’t • Employer profit sharing contribution account
want to participate. If automatically enrolled, • Rollover account
your contributions will be invested in the Fidelity • Roth account
Freedom Fund based on your expected retirement • And any earnings thereon
Skyworks Solutions Employee Benefits Guide - U.S. 24