Page 20 - Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
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Life Balance
Skyworks understands the importance of work/life balance. To help employees achieve this balance, the
following benefits are provided.
Time Off
Vacation – Full time employees will earn vacation Other Statutory Leaves – Employees may be eligible
hours according to the following schedule: for other federal or state leaves (paid or unpaid).
• New hire to 3.99 years 80 hours For questions about these leaves, you should
• 4 to 5.99 years 104 hours contact Unum.
• 6 to 14.99 years 120 hours
• 15 or more years 160 hours
Wellness – Each fiscal year, employees will be
awarded forty (40) hours of Wellness Time for use
during the fiscal year. This is the equivalent of
sick time. Wellness Time will be prorated for new
employees such that any employee who begins
work before July 1 of the fiscal year will be awarded
forty (40) Wellness Time hours, while any employee
who begins work on or after July 1 of the fiscal year
will be awarded twenty (20) Wellness Time hours.
Holidays – Full Time employees receive 12
paid holidays: President’s Day, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
Day After Thanksgiving and Winter Shut Down
(December 23-December 30).
Education Assistance Program
Skyworks recognizes the importance of continuous
learning and supports providing development
opportunities for Full Time employees. Skyworks
will reimburse up to $7,000 per calendar year
toward an approved bachelor’s degree and $10,000
per calendar year toward an approved graduate
degree. Reimbursements are provided for up to
two approved academic courses per academic
term. For more details on this benefit, refer to the
Education Assistance policy on One Connect.
Skyworks Solutions Employee Benefits Guide - U.S. 20