Page 16 - Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
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Risk Insurance
Basic Life, Basic AD&D, and Basic Short and Long-Term Disability benefits are paid for you by Skyworks.
In addition, you have the opportunity to increase or “buy-up” protection levels for these benefits as well
as purchase spouse and dependent life insurance. Please assign a beneficiary on Benefits Connection.
If you need to fill out a paper form with spousal consent, the form can be returned to HR Global Services.
You can obtain a beneficiary form on the Beneficiaries page on Benefits Connection. Skyworks also
provides Business Travel Insurance to provide protection while traveling on business domestically or
internationally. The following pages includes more information on each of these benefits.
Life Insurance
Basic Life Insurance - Skyworks provides free life Terminating employees have the option of
insurance equal to two times your basic annual converting these group policies to an individual
earnings up to a maximum of $1,000,000. If the whole life policy at individual rates.
coverage amount exceeds $500,000, Evidence
of Insurability (EOI) is required for the additional If EOI is required, you will receive an email with a
coverage. Age reductions apply beginning at age link to complete the questionnaire online. You will
65. Please note that while this benefit is free, the need to use the Skyworks Access Code (AZ185YT).
IRS mandates that the employee is responsible
for imputed income (taxed) on the value of the These are a general summary of benefits. For a
coverage in excess of $50,000. more detailed description including any exclusions
or limitations, refer to the UNUM certificate on
Supplemental Life Insurance – If eligible, you can Benefits Connection.
purchase additional life insurance in $50,000
increments up to the lesser of five times the basic
annual earnings or $1,000,000. If the coverage
amount exceeds $500,000, EOI is required for
the additional coverage. Age reductions apply
beginning at age 65.
Supplemental Spouse Life Insurance – If eligible,
you can purchase additional life insurance for
your spouse or domestic partner up to $100,000.
If the coverage amount exceeds $25,000, EOI is
required for the additional coverage. The elected
coverage amount must be less than 50% of your
total life insurance coverage. Age reductions apply
beginning at age 65.
Supplemental Child Life Insurance – If eligible, you
can purchase additional life insurance for your
child(ren) up to $25,000.
Skyworks Solutions Employee Benefits Guide - U.S. 16