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Health Advocacy
Health Advocate provides award-winning advocacy Clinical Decision Support - Whether for an initial
services as they serve as the integrator for all consult or a second opinion with a leading expert,
healthcare and benefit needs. Healthcare is the Personal Health Advocate Registered Nurses,
complex and rarely limited to medical issues— medical directors and other experts provide
more often than not there are also billing issues, support with clinical issues to help make more
coverage questions and claims confusion. informed decisions, get the right care at the
Their experts can help with healthcare issues right time and gain peace of mind knowing their
and treatment decisions, and also help resolve diagnosis and treatment are on target.
time-consuming claims and other concerns. The
services are available to spouses, dependents, Administrative Support - Benefits and claims
parents and parents-in-law as well. Simply call the specialists work with providers and insurance
toll-free number to connect with an experienced companies on your behalf to help resolve a wide
Personal Health Advocate for personal, confidential range of complicated, challenging and time-
support. Work with the same Personal Health consuming issues. These personalized services
Advocate until all issues are resolved. You may also can save time and money.
connect with their Personal Health Advocate by
email using the mobile member engagement app.
Skyworks Solutions Employee Benefits Guide - U.S. 14