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Healthcare Flexible Spending Account
A Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA) • The filing deadline for all claims is March 31,
provides an opportunity for you to use pre-tax 2023
dollars to pay for eligible medical, dental and • You can use your money to pay for expenses
vision expenses not covered under your group not covered by your health care plans
health plan (out-of-pocket expenses) for you and (e.g. copayments, coinsurance). For more
your dependents. Your taxable income is reduced information, visit the IRS’ website
because the money is deposited into your flex • The IRS requires you to forfeit any amounts not
account on a pre-tax basis. This in turn reduces spent by the end of the year so estimate your
your current tax burden. The 2022 limit is $2,850 expected expenses carefully. Please note that a
and the minimum is $100. balance less than $500 can be rolled over to the
following year
Additional HCFSA Facts: • You cannot change your election amount unless
• If you are enrolled in an HSA, then you are NOT you incur an eligible life event
eligible to participate in the HCFSA; however • Receive reimbursement by using the plan debit
you are still able to participate in the Dependent card, submitting an online claim or a paper
Care Flexible Spending Account form.
Skyworks Solutions Employee Benefits Guide - U.S. 13