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        Accident Insurance

        Accident Insurance is different from major             Here are some examples of the benefit dollar
        medical insurance. It’s insurance for daily living.    amounts you could receive if you are involved in an
        After an accident, you may have expenses you’ve        accident and need medical treatment:
        never thought about, from the initial emergency          •  Emergency Treatment $150
        treatment or hospitalization, to follow-up               •  Ambulance $100
        treatments or physical therapy. If you’re injured due    •  X-Ray $20
        to an accident, MetLife pays cash benefits directly      •  Hospital admission $500
        to you to help address out-of-pocket medical costs
        and everyday expenses. The lump sum payment is          For a full list of the benefits that are covered by this
        specific to your injury or treatment.
                                                               plan, refer to Benefits Connection.
        Other features of the plan include:
          •  Coverage is Guaranteed Issue
          •  Benefits paid regardless of any other insurance
            you may have
          •  Worldwide Coverage
          •  Wellness Benefit of $25
          •  Effective the first of the month following

        Critical Illness Insurance
        Critical Illness insurance provides a lump sum
        benefit for covered illnesses to help pay for          Additionally for the purpose of calculating your
        medical and non-medical costs associated with          premiums, your age is locked in as of the date you
        your diagnosis. Administered by MetLife, Critical      enroll. This means that if you enroll at age 39 and
        Illness Insurance provides protection from             remain in the plan for 10 years, you’ll continue to
        uncovered medical expenses, such as deductibles,       pay the rate of a 39 year old.
        copayments, travel expenses, etc. when you’re
        diagnosed with a critical illness.                     Covered conditions include but are not limited to:

        Other features of the plan include:                      •  Heart Attack
          •  Coverage is Guaranteed Issue                        •  Stroke
          •  You choose your coverage amount in                  •  Cancer
            increments of $5,000 up to $30,000                   •  Coma
          •  Spouse and children receive a benefit of 50% of     •  Blindness
            your elected coverage amount
          •  Rates are based on coverage amount, age,          Refer to Benefits Connection for a full list of
            coverage tier, and tobacco usage                   covered conditions.
          •  Age reductions begin at age 70

        Skyworks Solutions Employee Benefits Guide - U.S.                                                         11
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