Page 17 - Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
P. 17

Risk Insurance

        Accidental Death & Dismemberment

        Basic Accidental Death & Dismemberment                 Please note that dependents covered by this plan
        Insurance (AD&D) - Skyworks provides free AD&D         receive the following benefit amounts:
        insurance equal to two times your basic annual           •  Spouse/Domestic Partner – 60% without
        earnings up to a maximum of $1,250,000.                    child(ren), or 50% with child(ren)
                                                                 •  Child(ren) – 20% without your spouse/domestic
        Supplemental AD&D Insurance – If eligible, you can         partner, or 15% with your spouse/domestic
        purchase additional AD&D insurance in $10,000              partner
        increments up to the lesser of twelve times            These are a general summary of benefits. For a
        the basic annual earnings or $1,250,000 when           more detailed description including any exclusions
        combined with the Basic AD&D benefit. You can          or limitations, see your Chubb Certificate of
        purchase coverage for yourself or your family.         Coverage on Benefits Connection.

        Disability Insurance
        Short Term Disability (STD) – Benefits are payable     Long Term Disability (LTD) – If your approved
        from the first day of injury or illness if the length   disability goes beyond 26 weeks, you will transition
        of the approved leave is longer than seven days.       to LTD. The minimum monthly benefit is $100 and
        Weeks 1-2 are paid at 100%. Weeks 3-26 are paid        the maximum benefit is $15,000. Benefits are
        at 66 2/3%. STD benefits are reduced by State          integrated with any payments by Social Security.
        Disability Insurance (SDI) payments. Skyworks will
        pay the difference between the benefit indicated       There are two LTD options:
        above and the approved SDI benefit. STD benefits         •  Basic Benefit – 60% of your basic annual
        are paid through payroll once SDI has been                 earnings
        approved.                                                •  Buy-Up – 67% of your basic annual earnings.

        Skyworks Solutions Employee Benefits Guide - U.S.                                                         17
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