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P. 21
Life Balance
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
A Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
(DCFSA) provides an opportunity for you to use
pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible day care or elder
care expenses for your children or your elderly
or disabled dependent family member. For more
information, visit the IRS’ website. Your taxable
income is reduced because the money is deposited
into your flex account on a pre-tax basis. This in
turn reduces your current tax burden. The 2022
limit is $5,000 ($2,500 if married and filing a
separate return) and the minimum is $100.
Additional DCFSA Facts:
• You are eligible to participate in the DCFSA
even if you enroll in the HSA or HCFSA
• The filing deadline for all claims is March 31,
• Eligible dependents include children up to age
13 or a spouse or other dependent of any age
(such as a parent) who is physically or mentally
unable to care for themselves
• The IRS requires you to forfeit any amounts not
spent by the end of the year so estimate your
expected expenses carefully
• You cannot change your election amount unless
you experience a qualifying reason
• Receive reimbursement by submitting an online
claim or a paper form.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The EAP program offers 24 hour confidential help
for you and members of your immediate family for
problems affecting your wellbeing: depression/
anxiety, financial/legal worries, marital and family
problems, college/adoption assistance, job-related
concerns, alcohol/drug abuse, grief and loss, child/
elder care issues.
For more information, please view the Life Matters
Brochure on Benefits Connection.
Skyworks Solutions Employee Benefits Guide - U.S. 21