Page 25 - Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
P. 25

Invest In The Future

        Follow the below steps to enroll:                          increase your savings every year or stop the
         1.  Logon to Fidelity Net Benefits           annual increase to your contributions
         2. Enter your User Name or SSN and PIN. If this is     7. If you do not wish to participate in the Annual
            your first time logging on, the system will walk       Increase Program, you will need to select the
            you through the process of establishing a PIN by       option “ I don’t want to enroll…”
            clicking on the “Register Now” link                 8. When you are done you will receive a
         3. Click on the “Skyworks Solutions” account name         confirmation page that you can print out for
         4. To elect or view contributions, click on               your records. This will update on the next
            “Contribution Amount” found on the menu on             payroll cycle
            the left hand side of the screen and it takes you
            to a screen where you can choose “Contribution     Please review the plan document or call the Fidelity
            Amount” or “Annual Increase Program”               Retirement Benefits Line at 800-835-5097 for more
         5.  Click on “Contribution Amount” where you can      plan information or if you wish to roll a previous
            view or update your contributions                  account balance into the Skyworks plan.
          a. Enter your percentage amount and click on
             “update payroll deduction” (this sets your
             contribution amount)
          b. If this is your first time making a change online,
             or if you are not contributing, your deduction
             will show as 0%. To enter a percentage, click
             on the “change” button at the bottom of the
         6.  You will need to click on Annual Increase
            Program where you will have the option to

        Employee Stock Purchase Plan

        The Skyworks Stock Purchase Plan provides you
        with the opportunity to acquire an ownership           You are free to sell your shares after the offering
        interest in Skyworks through the purchase of           end date.
        shares of common stock through automatic payroll
        deductions. You can invest 1% to 10% of your           All full-time employees of Skyworks are eligible to
        eligible compensation, which includes base pay,        participate in the Plan, provided that, to participate
        shift premium, overtime, profit sharing, incentive     in any given offering period, a prospective
        compensation, bonuses, and commissions. The            participant must be employed at least ten (10)
        deductions are made each pay period on an after-       business days prior to the first day of such offering
        tax basis. There are two offering periods (February    period. For the purposes of the Employee Stock
        through July and August through January).              Purchase Plan, you are eligible to participate if your
                                                               customary employment is more than 20 hours per
        The purchase price of the stock is 85% of the fair     week and more than five months in any calendar
        market value per share, on either the offering         year. To obtain additional information regarding the
        commencement date or the offering termination          Employee Stock Purchase Plan, please review the
        date, whichever is lower. You may stop your            plan document and prospectus located under the
        contribution at any time during the offering period.   compensation tab of the Human Resources page of
                                                               Skylink at:

        Skyworks Solutions Employee Benefits Guide - U.S.                                                         25
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