Mid Valley Times 8-15-19 E-edition
P. 1
Thursday, August 15, 2019
50 cents
It's a new school year
Vol. 1, No. 7
Rick Curiel / Mid Valley Times
Dinuba Unified School Dis- trict’s Chief Business Official Peggy Garispe uses a fire extin- guisher to take out a would-be assailant during active shooter training on Aug. 8.
deals with
District's classified employees provided with special training
By Rick Curiel
Mid Valley Times
With the recent mass shootings still fresh in the minds of many Americans, and with the start of a new school year upon us, the Di- nuba
ed to
make sure its staff was well prepared for the unthinkable.
On Aug. 8, the company Knowledge Saves Lives Inc. was commissioned by the district to provide an active shooter training for all of its employees. The purpose of the training was to provide the district’s classified and confidential employees with the knowledge needed to be
See ACTIVEonpageA12
ABOVE: Immanuel Elementary School third grade teacher Brittany Farinelli welcomed her new class of students on the first day of school on Aug. 12.
BELOW: St. La Salle Catholic School teacher Bernardita Nudalo, left, aka "Sister B", looked on as students stood at attention during an opening day ceremony at the school on Aug. 13.
Photos by Jon Earnest /Mid Valley Times
Immanuel, St. La Salle Schools return to classes
By Jon Earnest
Mid Valley Times
Reedley's private school stu- dents participated in ceremo- nial returns to campus for the 2019-2020 school year earlier this week.
Immanuel Schools began the school year for its elemen- tary, junior high and high school students on Aug. 12. The 256 elementary school students marched toward their respective classes af-
ter a short
time at
8 a.m.,
the third year in the facility at the south end of the campus.
At the same time, junior high and high school students began the year, which included a worship assembly later in the day.
The next morning, on Aug. 13, St. La Salle Catholic School welcomed an estimated 300 students to campus; the second- largest single year enrollment. Sister Lucy Cassarino, school principal, welcomed the new group of students ranging from kindergarten to eighth grade. A large throng of parents, children, staff and supporters gathered in inside the courtyard area of the main entrance to the school.
All Kings Canyon Unified School District schools — in- cluding Reedley and Orange Cove high schools — began their first day of classes on Aug. 14. A number of back-to-school nights are scheduled at KCUSD cam- puses in the next two weeks.
Kings Canyon Unified staff meeting recap, Page A6
Superintendent welcomes back DUSD faculty, Page A11
Sanger Unified welcomes back employees and students
By Dick Sheppard
Mid Valley Times
More than 12,300 stu- dents were welcomed back to school Thursday, Aug. 15, in the Sanger Unified School District.
On Aug. 14, Sanger Uni- fied's superintendent of schools Adela Madrigal Jones spoke to more than 1,450 dis- trict employees at a "Kick Off Celebration" that featured a cast of hundreds and rocked the rafters of the high school's Coach Dean Nicholson gym.
"'See the Greatness" is the theme for this year. "We're encouraging everyone to see the greatness in our kids and in each other," said Jones.
During the event, which resembled a massive pep rally before an Apache Valley
championship football game, Granville Homes presented the school district with a check for more than $48,000, the district's return on its in- vestment in Granville Homes' "Home of Hope."
"It's the largest check we've ever received. Our most sincere thanks to Granville Homes and to the generosity of our great community for participating in the Home of Hope fund raiser," said Jones.
Ten teachers received $500 each from The Foundation for Sanger Schools to help carry out classroom projects.
Classroom grants went to:
Del Rey Elementary teacher Traci Tucker for the program Reading for Students with Special Needs; Fairmont El- ementary teacher Trish Jett for the program Design and Modeling Through Toy Cre- ation; Jefferson Elementary teacher Stefanie Fuerte for the program STEM in the Classroom; John Wash El- ementary teacher Moa Her for the program Growing and Learning Through Dramatic Play; Madison Elementary teacher Elizabeth Dobrinen for the program Implementa-
See SANGER UNIFIED on page A11
Adela Madrigal Jones, Sanger Unified School District super- intendent of schools, spoke to more than 1,450 district employees at the SUSD "Kick Off Celebration on Aug. 14 in Sanger High School's Coach Dean Nicholson Gym.
Dick Sheppard / Mid Valley Times
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