Page 338 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 338

Bureau of Engineering

           As the City's capital delivery organization for non-proprietary capital projects, with a mission and organization-wide
           commitment to be a national leader in the delivery of sustainable capital projects, the Bureau of Engineering annually
           delivers a diverse set of wastewater, municipal, recreation and park facilities as well as bridge and street improvements,
           streetscapes, and stormwater systems. Through data-driven performance management and the Bureau's vision to lead
           the transformation of Los Angeles into the world's most livable City, the Bureau continues to focus on delivering
           Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building projects and continuing its leadership role with
           Envision, a nationally recognized green assessment tool for civil engineering projects. In addition to the design,
           construction, and delivery of the City's capital projects, the Bureau provides the following services: fee-supported
           permits; pre-development and engineering services that are primarily related to infrastructure improvements within the
           public right-of-way; maintaining ownership records of real property within the City; maintaining and reproducing maps in
           support of various City services including Navigate LA; collecting, calculating and recording survey data; and conducting
           real estate and environmental assessments, investigations and research in support of Bureau operations and the City's
           capital projects.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2019-20        2020-21        2020-21                                                    2021-22

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

              97,311,345     86,335,571    96,521,000 Salaries General                                  97,956,007
               1,176,092       350,000        700,000 Salaries, As-Needed                                  350,000
                608,479       1,267,246       888,000 Overtime General                                   1,317,246
                563,244        462,500        325,000 Hiring Hall Salaries                                 462,500
                187,500        187,500        187,000 Benefits Hiring Hall                                 187,500

              99,846,660     88,602,817    98,621,000 Total Salaries                                   100,273,253

                 25,441         91,402         91,000 Printing and Binding                                  91,402
                 29,683              -              - Travel                                                     -
                 25,497         52,362         32,000 Construction Expense                                  52,362
               3,221,507      1,785,990     3,357,000 Contractual Services                               2,724,527
                 65,324         66,629         55,000 Field Equipment Expense                               66,629
                 54,390         79,252         38,000 Transportation                                        99,252
               1,254,027      1,338,270       941,000 Office and Administrative                          1,341,451
                231,714        222,960        191,000 Operating Supplies                                   243,085
               4,907,583      3,636,865     4,705,000 Total Expense                                      4,618,708

                 39,839              -              - Other Operating Equipment                                  -
                 39,839              -              - Total Equipment                                            -

             104,794,082     92,239,682   103,326,000 Total Bureau of Engineering                      104,891,961

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