Page 343 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 343

Bureau of Sanitation

              Actual       Adopted       Estimated                                                       Total
           Expenditures     Budget      Expenditures                                                    Budget
             2019-20        2020-21       2020-21                                                       2021-22
                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS

              31,997,484     41,995,724    41,995,000 General Fund                                       55,221,708
             111,371,543    109,359,608   109,359,000 Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Sch. 2)       104,223,924
              13,904,422     12,324,647    12,325,000 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund (Sch. 7)       13,157,007
                                                      Wastewater Commercial Paper B Construction Fund
               1,888,796             -              -                                                            -
                                                      (Sch. 14)
             123,669,180    134,835,997   134,837,000 Sewer Operations & Maintenance Fund (Sch. 14)     135,551,464
               2,425,763      3,515,892     3,516,000 Sewer Capital Fund (Sch. 14)                        3,489,895
                 195,329             -              - Environmental Affairs Trust Fund (Sch. 29)                 -
                                                      Homeless Emergency Aid Program Grant Fund (Sch.
                   4,067             -              -                                                            -
                 107,308        98,479         98,000 Los Angeles Regional Agency Trust Fund (Sch. 29)     102,130
                 143,707             -              - State AB1290 City Fund (Sch. 29)                           -
                 100,000             -              - Street Furniture Revenue Fund (Sch. 29)                    -
                 536,716       582,338        582,000 Used Oil Collection Trust Fund (Sch. 29)             594,606
              14,852,200     19,536,451    14,855,000 Citywide Recycling Trust Fund (Sch. 32)            19,853,282
               1,786,245      2,939,436     2,939,000 Household Hazardous Waste Fund (Sch. 39)            2,970,893
               1,322,268      1,145,611     1,146,000 Central Recycling Transfer Station Fund (Sch. 45)   1,175,149
               2,225,821      3,722,081     2,000,000 Multi-Family Bulky Item Fee Fund (Sch. 50)          3,831,021
               1,367,345      4,195,745     4,196,000 Measure W Local Return Fund (Sch. 55)               4,491,013
             307,898,194    334,252,009   327,848,000 Total Funds                                       344,662,092

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