Page 339 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 339
Bureau of Engineering
Actual Adopted Estimated Total
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
37,869,701 32,148,332 34,536,000 General Fund 38,161,157
4,387,945 4,114,049 4,042,000 Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund (Sch. 5) 4,787,838
3,919,711 3,387,901 3,329,000 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund (Sch. 7) 3,626,125
603 96,851 94,000 Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Fund (Sch. 10) 110,312
Wastewater Commercial Paper B Construction Fund
9,085,890 - - -
(Sch. 14)
35,097,172 39,888,981 39,204,000 Sewer Capital Fund (Sch. 14) 43,879,891
Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund (Sch.
102,519 91,265 116,000 73,380
108,969 86,038 86,000 Telecommunications Development Account (Sch. 20) 100,289
Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund (Sch.
47,144 - - -
7,547,515 7,771,423 7,535,000 Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund (Sch. 27) 8,207,796
- - 1,738,000 Bridge Improvement Program Cash (Sch. 29) -
26,656 - - Bridge Improvement Program Fund (Sch. 29) -
- - 2,500,000 COVID-19 FEDERAL RELIEF FUND (Sch. 29) -
51,465 - - CRA Non-Housing Bond Proceeds Fund (Sch. 29) -
131,207 - - HCID General Fund Program (Sch. 29) -
GOB Series 2006A Animal Shelter Construction Fund
167,533 - 65,000 -
(Sch. 29)
GOB Series 2006A Fire/Para Construction Fund
487,288 - - -
(Sch. 29)
GOB Series 2011A Clean Water Cleanup Fund (Sch.
- - 1,500,000 -
GOB Series 2017-A (Taxable), Prop HHH
141,450 - 30,000 -
Construction (Sch. 29)
GOB Series 2018-A (Taxable), Prop HHH
131,375 - - -
Construction (Sch. 29)
Homeless Emergency Aid Program Grant Fund (Sch.
631,119 - 1,186,000 -
Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Grant
337,255 - 1,601,000 -
(Sch. 29)
534,670 - - MICLA Lease Revenue Commercial Paper (Sch. 29) -
MICLA Lease Revenue Commercial Paper, Taxable
241,476 - - -
B-1 (Sch. 29)
- - 1,250,000 Sixth Street Viaduct Improvement Fund (Sch. 29) -
45,000 - - Warner Center Transportation Trust Fund (Sch. 29) -
20,000 20,000 20,000 Building and Safety Building Permit Fund (Sch. 40) 20,000
214,079 641,193 622,000 Street Damage Restoration Fee Fund (Sch. 47) 640,229
418,131 574,694 557,000 Measure R Local Return Fund (Sch. 49) 612,040
1,894,754 1,778,222 1,724,000 Sidewalk Repair Fund (Sch. 51) 2,181,159
1,153,455 1,439,998 1,396,000 Measure M Local Return Fund (Sch. 52) 1,406,963
- 200,735 195,000 Measure W Local Return Fund (Sch. 55) 1,084,782
104,794,082 92,239,682 103,326,000 Total Funds 104,891,961