Page 63 - RADC Bulletin 2018
P. 63

   Dental Centre Wattisham Teambuilding
Major Dave Edwards RADC
In September 2018, the six staff from Dental Centre Wattisham set sail from Brightlingsea on a voyage to catch some monsters. Maj Edwards was delighted that LCpl White had been thoughtful enough
to provide him with some accessories to wear. Captain Jack Sparrow eat your heart out!
The Sophie Lea, a 600HP Catamaran picked us up at 08:00. We were promised this was a comfortable and stable vessel. I think Cpl Chimbunde would disagree, being struck down by sea sickness which lasted a mere 8 hours. We arrived at our fishing spot after an hour and all excitedly cast out.
Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio
There was early success by Mrs Hanson, who caught a Whiting, but then nothing happened for quite some time. LCpl White’s perseverance was however impressive, lasting at least 20 minutes before binning
it for a snooze, which ultimately lasted for the remainder of the trip. With LCpl White and Cpl Chimbunde man down, it was up
to the rest of the team to catch our supper, which resulted in another small Whiting! Things got a bit weird between Maj Edwards and Dr Ward, with the recreation of a scene from titanic (thankfully not the one in the steamy car, or the ‘death scene’), before
we moved location and the fishing action
Thornback Ray
intensified. The Thornback Ray and Dogfish were no match for us! Mrs Hanson and Mrs Phelan were particularly impressive with their perseverance, and Mrs Phelan overcame some significant reservations to get stuck in baiting up the hooks. Dr Ward kept morale high throughout, and Cpl Chimbunde overcame her sea sickness at the end to catch some seaweed.
I would consider this a rip-roaring success. I think some others in the team may disagree, suggesting I am not allowed to organise team building again, and perhaps next time we should ‘go to a health spa’. Some people...
   Dog fish
The mutinous crew

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