Page 68 - Light Dragoons 2022 CREST
P. 68
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
In September this year, the Legion finally set forth on a one-week multi-activity package in the Lake District.
Months in the planning, thrice thwarted by the lockdownitis, the Legion’s hopes of their first AT package since the pandemic began, rested on the weary shoulders of one
man. A man so invested in AT that he had sold his house and brought a white converted camper van, that resem- bles a half n half, to
C Sqn AT
enable his dirtbag lifestyle. A man who’s pencil thin moustache and can do attitude had seen him ‘lead first’ as he turned 30.
Fresh faced from the QOY, an AT instruc- tor by trade, Lt Si Castle, was the perfect man to get Legion AT off the ground in Gaza barracks and into the Lake District where it belonged.
Sure enough, in the penultimate week of September, the Legion were on the road, Lancaster bound. Their destination: the delightful covid secure confines of the socially distanced Halton Camp for a week
of activities ranging from Mountain bik- ing to Rock Climbing, Ghyll Scrambling to Mountain Walking.
SSM Price took a particular liking to Mountain Biking. Careering around the long downhills, treating the experience as though bumper cars were to meet speed cross. Unfortunately for him, gravity caught up. Hitting a particularly sturdy rock sent him flying, head first, off his bike. His ankle, the first point of con- tact with the ground, steadied his fall. Unfortunately this soon buckled under the strain. An ostentatious finish to his week of adventure training, and it was only Tuesday...Maybe fellow glass ankled sub-
Lt Digby leads his latest geological expedition