Page 14 - June 2020 Hernando
P. 14
14 • SEPTEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County Health Connections
14 • SEPTEMBER 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County
Coping with Dementia
Because Loneliness k ills!
By Debbie with their loved ones. But and humane solutions. make it better for each and
Selsavage these are poor substitutes for Caregivers for Compromise all of us. As a result, several
closeness and real human put up a Facebook page that states have already begun to
A few touch, and for people with attracted 6,000 followers in review their regulations to
years ago, I dementia they likely create 24 hours! Within two weeks, address this issue.
spoke with more confusion than relief. chapters had formed in every
a hospice state! Clearly, Mary Daniel COVID has given us another
chaplain When these survival tactics was not alone! opportunity to learn and
who said, were established, none of us improve. I am optimistic that
“You know, I don’t believe had any idea how long this The message of Mary and we can come out of this crisis
people die from dementia. I situation would continue, her group is, if we cannot with a more compassionate,
believe people with dementia and now we find ourselves change COVID, then we must more flexible, more creative
die from neglect, loneliness, horrified that there appears to change how our senior care senior care industry.
and grief!” I will never forget be no end in sight. industry responds to it. Why Debbie Selsavage is a
those words because they so Something happened in this change is urgent and Certified Trainer and
accurately describe the cruelty Florida in July that brought imperative is expressed in Consultant in the Positive
of this disease. this situation into the light of Caregiver for Compromise’s Approach to Care, and
motto: “Because isolation
Late last February, assisted day. A woman named Mary kills too!” a Certified Dementia
living and memory care Daniel, like other loved ones, Practitioner. Her company,
facilities began to close to was cut off from her husband This is not a confrontational Coping with Dementia LLC,
the public, setting in place who was in a memory care movement. Mary has set is dedicated to making life
quarantine systems to keep facility, and she could see its tone with the word better for individuals living
their residents safe from how badly the isolation “comprise.” Let’s find ways with dementia. Contact
COVID-19. Suddenly, was affecting both of them, to work with – not against Debbie at
residents were isolated even individually and through their – the professionals and to learn about free support
from their own families, many relationship. government regulators to groups on line.
of whom previously visited Mary noticed that the staff
regularly to assist with their could come and go, so she
care. applied for a part-time job as
Now, more than six months a dishwasher. As a result, two
later, we are beginning to days a week, after her shift,
witness the cruel outcome she could visit her husband
of isolation, especially for and even lie in bed with him
individuals living with as he went to sleep, just as she
dementia who do not have the had done before COVID.
cognitive ability to understand Mary’s bittersweet story
why this is happening to struck a chord! The news
them. Many are declining media picked it up and soon
more rapidly than they even Florida’s governor
should, and some are dying was talking about her. She
alone without the support of grasped on this unexpected
their families. publicity to create an
Facilities have tried to organization called Caregivers
compensate with window for Compromise, a grassroots
visits, on-line meetings, initiative to ask governments
and other novel methods of and the senior care industry to
keeping residents in touch look for new, compassionate,