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Financial                                                                           Senior Voice of Hernando County • SEPTEMBER 2020 • 19

        Labor Day: Make Investments Work as Hard as You Do

                           By Tonia          money to be available at a
                           Warncke           certain time, so you’ll want        growth-oriented investments in  still helping you make progress
                           Financial                                             your portfolio, with the exact       toward your goals. If it seems
                           Advisor           an investment that offers a         amount depending on your             like you’re falling behind,
                           Edward            high degree of preservation         goals, risk tolerance and time       you may need to adjust your
                           Jones             of principal. However, when         horizon. These investments           investment mix.

                           Tonia.Warncke@    you’re saving for a retirement      will fluctuate in value, but
                    that may be decades away, you                                            You’ve probably discovered
        This year, Labor Day may             need to consider investments        the longer you hold them,            that hard work pays off for you
        have a different impact, given       that offer growth potential. In     the more the impact of short-        in just about every endeavor
        the employment-related stress        any case, you can help your         term drops may be reduced,           – so why should it be any
        and disruptions stemming from        investments work efficiently        especially if you maintain a         different with investing?
        the coronavirus. Yet, it’s good      for you by matching them with       diversified portfolio, although      Keeping your investments
        to recognize the value of work       specific goals.                     diversification, by itself, can’t    working diligently can
        and its importance in achieving                                          ensure a profit or protect           help boost your chances of
        your life’s goals. But if you’re     You also want to keep your          against loss in a declining          achieving your important
        going to retire comfortably          investments “on the job.” In        market.                              financial goals.

        and reach your other financial       the immediate aftermath of          Finally, here’s one other step
        objectives, you also need to         large market downturns, such        you can take to help keep your       This article was written by
        invest – and your investments        as we saw earlier this year,        investments working hard:            Edward Jones for use by your
        need to work as hard as you          many people simply stopped          Check up on them periodically.       local Edward Jones Financial
        do.                                  investing altogether. But taking    Review your portfolio at least       Advisor.
                                             a “time out” can be costly.
        To help make this happen,            For one thing, when you stop        once a year to determine if it’s     Edward Jones, Member SIPC
        you need to know why you’re          adding to your investment
        investing in the first place.        portfolio, you reduce its
        You likely have a variety of         growth potential. Furthermore,

        financial goals, including           if you’re on the investment
        short-term ones – a long             sidelines, you might miss out
        vacation, a new car – and            on the next market rally – and
        long-term ones, such as a            the biggest gains often happen
        comfortable retirement and           in the early stages of these
        the desire to leave a legacy         rallies.
        for your family. But you can’t
        invest in the same way for           So, whether the markets
        these goals. For example, when       are moving up, down or

        you’re planning an overseas          sideways, it’s important to
        vacation for next year, you          keep investing and keep a
        want a certain amount of             reasonable percentage of





         New Hours
         Open Monday through

         Friday 11 am - 4 pm.                                                                  Tonia L Warncke, AAMS®
                                                                                                                          Member SIPC
                                                                                               Financial Advisor
         3220 U.S. 41,                                                                         10224 Yale Ave
                                                                                               Spring Hill, FL 34613
         just south of Spring Hill Dr.
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