Page 17 - June 2020 Hernando
P. 17

Health Connections                                                                Senior Voice of Hernando County - SEPTEMBER 2020 • 17
                                                                                            Senior Voice of Hernando County • SEPTEMBER 2020 • 17
         Dying May Not Be as Awful an Experience as You Think

        Does the very idea of death worry and            authors came closer to the end of life.          something in the future,” said James
        frighten you? There may be reassurance           “I think that when people imagine what           Maddux, a senior scholar at George

        from a new study that finds those fears          dying is like, they see it as being very         Mason University’s Center for the
        might be exaggerated.                                                                             Advancement of Well-Being, in Fairfax,
                                                         different from the life they know,” Gray
        In fact, the research shows, death               said. “But really, death is part of life.        Va.

        is often described as a peaceful,                And maybe you don’t need to fear it as           “Most things that we fear aren’t nearly
        “unexpectedly positive” experience by            much as you might.”                              as bad as we thought they’d be once
        those who approach it.                                                                            they arrive,” said Maddux, who was
                                                         The findings, published recently
        Death is one of life’s guarantees, yet it’s  in Psychological Science, are not                    not involved in the study. “There’s no
                                                                                                          reason to think death would be any
        something people often avoid talking             entirely surprising, according to one            different.”
        about, according to study author Kurt            researcher.
        Gray. He’s an assistant professor at the         “In general, people are very bad at              Some other study findings, though,
        University of North Carolina at Chapel           predicting how they’ll feel about                       Continued on page 18


        “There’s almost an unspoken
        assumption that death is something to                                     Take a moment to talk about cholesterol.
        be avoided at all costs,” Gray said.                                      Cholesterol

        But his team found that the abstract
        concept of death may be scarier than the                                  Conversation Starters

        To look at the question, the researchers             Cholesterol can be a confusing health topic for a lot of people, but understanding and managing
        first searched for blogs by people who               high blood cholesterol is an important step in taking control of heart health. Talk with your family and health
                                                             care team about high cholesterol and heart health.
        were terminally ill with cancer or                   Whether you are a patient, a family member, or a health professional, these questions can help you start
        amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or               conversations about cholesterol.

        Lou Gehrig’s disease) -- diseases where                                      Get to know the basics of cholesterol.
        patients generally maintain their mental                                     •  What is cholesterol?
        functioning into the advanced stages.                                        •  How does high cholesterol affect my risk for heart disease?
                                                                                     •  What are the risk factors for high cholesterol?
                                                                                     •  What is the difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol?
        The researchers turned up blogs from 25
        patients, with over 2,600 posts.                                             Have an honest conversation with yourself about cholesterol.
                                                                                     •  What are some lifestyle choices I can make to keep my cholesterol in a healthy range?
        Next, the study authors recruited 50                                         •  Can I cut back on any foods that are high in saturated fat?
                                                                                     •  Do I need to have my cholesterol checked?
        healthy people and asked them to

        imagine they had terminal cancer and
        were keeping a blog to document their                                        Make cholesterol management and heart health a family matter.
                                                                                     •  How can we help each other control our risk for high cholesterol?
        experience. Those people then wrote a                                        •  How are you managing your high cholesterol?

        “post” for the blog.                                                         •  Do we have a family history of high cholesterol, and why is it important?
                                                                                     •  When was the last time you had a cholesterol test?
        Finally, the researchers had independent                                     Team up with your health care team to manage cholesterol.
        raters code each post -- real and pretend                                    •  How can I manage my cholesterol?
                                                                                     •  What do my cholesterol screening numbers mean?
        -- for its emotional tone.                                                   •  Are cholesterol-lowering medicines right for me or my family members?
                                                                                     •  What are statins?
        Overall, the study found, posts from                   For more information about high cholesterol and resources to help prevent and
        the dying patients were more positive                  manage it, visit
        than those from people who imagined

        death was looming. And over time, the
        real posts became more positive, as the
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