Page 30 - DIVA_1_2021
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                                                                                                                UN Photo / Jean Marc Ferré

                  Mr. Vaqif Sadiqov

                  Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative
                  of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United Nations Office and other

                  international organizations in Geneva.

                                   Please, tell us about yourself. What is your role  environment. By doing so, we try to bring our
                                   as Permanent Representative of your country  vision and approaches on different issues of
                                   to the United Nations Office at Geneva and to  the United Nations global agenda.
                                   UNECE?                                 We  recognize  the  importance  and  relevance
                                   I  am  a  career  diplomat.  Prior  to  coming  of the multilateral system in these challenging
                                   to  Geneva  in  2016,  for  five  years  I  was  times when multilateralism is under growing
                                   Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Italy, Malta and  pressure. It is critical for small countries like
                                   San Marino, and Permanent Representative to  ours  to  be  actively  engaged  in  international
                                   the United Nations Agencies based in Rome.  diplomacy  given  increasing  globalization.
                                   In 2004 – 2010, I also served as Deputy Foreign  Only  through  reinforcing  the  values  of
                                   Minister of Azerbaijan covering among other  multilateralism  and  making  it  stronger,  will
                                   matters  relations  with  UNESCO  and  the  we  be  able  to  enhance  peace  and  security,
                                   Organization of Islamic Cooperation, as well  good governance, promotion of human rights
                                   as issues related to the multicultural and inter-  and sustainable development. Therefore, our
                                   civilizational  dialogue.  I  spent  a  significant  humble duty is to make our contribution to
                                   time  of  my  diplomatic  career,  1995  –  2004,  the work of the United Nations in addressing
                                   as Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Austria and  numerous  and  frequently  very  complicated
                                   Permanent  Representative  to  the  OSCE  and  challenges all of us are confronted with in line
                                   the United Nations Agencies in Vienna.  with the aspirations of the people around the
                                   As the Permanent Representative, I see my role  world.
                                   first and foremost as maintaining close relations
                                   and advancing the agenda for cooperation of  The same relates to our cooperation with the
                                   Azerbaijan with the United Nations Office at  United  Nations  Economic  Commission  for
                                   Geneva, as well as with other United Nations  Europe (UNECE). We enjoy a long-standing
                                   and  non-United  Nations  agencies  based  in  and mutually beneficial cooperation with the
                                   Geneva. As a member of these organizations,  UNECE. We closely cooperate in the areas of
                                   Azerbaijan  actively  contributes  to  their  trade capacity building and trade facilitation,
                                   important work in a rapidly changing global  renewable energy and energy efficiency, green

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